Tuesday, July 17, 2012

You Don't Know Him

Love him. Hate him. You don't know him. Dinesh D'Souza has a new film coming out this week which is a must see for every American concerned about freedom.

Fresh off his book The Roots of Obama's Rage, D'Souza imagines what America would look like in 2016 should Obama win reelection in the film 2016: Obama's America.

 Please see the trailer:

Over his term, many decisions by Obama have been very puzzling to say the least. Efforts to decipher the thought process have failed to reveal a basis for his decision making. Dinesh D'Souza was able to find such a basis through portions of his own history, offering us a comprehensive look in his best selling book The Roots of Obama's Rage.

The root of the rage centered around the anti-colonialist beliefs held by Obama passed through to him as dreams from his father. Fast forward to today and D'Souza, along with famed producer Gerald Molen, present 2016: Obama's America, which is an eye opening tale demonstrating the basis of the hostile nature in which Obama engages America.

D'Souza speaks with Glenn Beck and outlines the startling discoveries he has made, which give guidance to the background Obama operates from.

The bottom line is that our President in no way shares the admiration for the founding of this country; the founding fathers, the history, the system of governance and documents we hold dear. Obama finds America as an overpowering oppressor, and he aims to to fulfill the dreams from his father, and his deep mentor Frank Marshall Davis, to knock America down through the redistribution of wealth to those he feels it was stolen from.

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