Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sack Social Justice Economics

The GOP has a great new ad detailing the dismal state of our economy under the direction of President Obama. Please take a listen:

Obama is not making mistakes in directing the economy. In fact, the results we are seeing are exactly what he is aiming to achieve, complete with a full on collapse of our economic system in an effort to achieve social justice.

The following campaign sticker would present a true reflection of his intentions.

Familiarize yourself with Cloward and Piven to gain a further understanding of how the orchestrated collapse of our economic system achieves the goals set forth; those of a heavy handed government controlling the masses through heavy does of entitlements implementing social justice. This system of government crushes the entrepreneurial spirit, disincentives the work and robs the governed of their identity.

Even if this were a sound goal, what are the odds a government 16 trillion dollars in debt could deliver entitlements as promised?

Taking the Affordable Heath Care Act as an example, Thomas Sowell wrote "It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it."

Many think is sounds like a great plan, but as Ronald Reagan noted, "The more the plans fail, the more the planners plan". In the event you have not noticed, the plans are failing, miserably.

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