Monday, July 9, 2012

Ranting and Raving

It can be storngly argued the epic rant by Rick Santelli on CNBC ignited the course of events which esatblished the TEA Party. Count me among those who with afection label Santelli the Father of the Tea Party movement. You remember the rant heard round the world?

Fast forward to the events of toady, most specifically the implosion of the Eurozone, where bailouts of insolvent countries are leading the imminent demise of the Euro. Nigel Farage has rivaled Santelli in voicing several stellar rants fortelling the demise on the Eurpoean Parliment.

Finally, Santelli gets an opportunity to visit with Farage about the status of the Eurozone. Two greats ranting and raving about the truth of the horrendous economic status of the world, but unfortunately,
is anybody listening?


CNBC had veered very left in recent years, which is most disappointing. However, a few sound thinkers remain in Santelli, Joe Kernen and Lawrence Kudlow.  You can count on Santelli for the real story, and certainly, as we have posted about numerous times, Farage is the top voice on the concerns of the Eurozone you should be hearing.

A crash is coming, as the bailouts have not worked, and will not work. As Farage so eloquently points out, technocrats rivaling one another in incompetence are in charge. What could go wrong, market manipulation? Theft? The loss of integrity in the markets?

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