Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ross Reporting From Fantasyland

ABC News Investigative Reporter Brian Ross is living in Fantasyland. Or is he?

In a simply stunning example of media bias, Brian Ross has come under fire for an inexcusable misrepresentation of the facts in the aftermath of the tragic series of events in Aurora, Colorado.

Take a listen:

Ross tried to tie the suspect to the Tea Party, noting one of the 25 estimated residents with the same name had previously signed up for the Tea Party.  Ross has done some good work in the past, and prior to this, was highly thought of.

ABC quickly responded with an apology, which was insufficient and not accepted.  So egregious was this level of reporting, even the members of the left wing media are hammering ABC and Ross. In fact, as a shareholder of the Walt Disney Corporation, owners of ABC, I demand Ross be immediately terminated, with Stephanopoulos placed on probation.

Ross is as experienced as they come, so do not buy the we made an error commentary.  Ross spoke this knowingly and by throwing the Tea Party narrative into this story, plants a narrative that is difficult to rewind.  Where does the Tea Party go to get its reputation back?

This is not the first time, and the list is long as compiled by The Blaze, the media has slandered political opponents.

The major news networks, most notably ABC, CBS, NBC and certainly CNN actively misrepresent the facts efforting to fit within their conspired narrative; therefore, they cannot be considered credible.
If you must watch a network news program, FOX News channel stands alone.  Newspapers you should stick with are The Wall Street Journal and Investors Business Daily, if you want to read what is really going on.

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