Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Predator Is At Large

Rand Paul asked some very serious questions regarding the predator drone program of the Obama administration. Sen. Paul got the answers, and they are perhaps the most troubling I have heard in decades. Glenn Beck has more:

While Attorney General Eric Holder says the President does have the right to use the drones attacking US citizens, Holder is mistaken. To utilize drones in this fashion is a blatant violation of the US Constitution, as our citizens have the right of due process.

Now, most should recognize that the Obama administration has little regard for our Constitution, finding it an imperfect document which limits what government can do as opposed to what government can and should do. Those who believe in freedom should soundly reject that premise, as our founders believed in limited government and built in a system of checks and balances to prohibit power from a branch of government from encroachment upon another branch.

Obama is flexing his muscle, attacking from several tentacles the second amendment, interfering in the first amendment aiming to control the Internet and now, through utilization of drones killing American citizens without due process. 

The administration are not honest brokers, and cannot be trusted with this type of authority.  In that regard, what are to make of the recent purchase of all these tanks for domestic use?

Forget the alarm clock, the house is on fire.

Thankfully, Senator Rand Paul is filibustering the vote on John Brennan for CIA Director by holding up the vote until the President informs the US citizenry he will not utilize the drones on the citizenry without due process.

It will not happen.

If Obama can get away with violating the Constitution in this regard, our country as we have know it is over.  Somebody needs to thwart Obama in a legally permissible fashion, and Senator Paul is doing just that. Please join in support of Senator Paul.  #StandWithRand

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin

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