CPAC 2013 was quite exciting, with a host of speakers giving excellent speeches, quite cognizant of an America in decline.with most zeroed in the parties responsible.
Among the speakers who minced no words in assessing blame for the transformation of wealth overwhelming America with those orchestrating the destruction failing to practice the austerity measures they advise us to take, was Rep. Michele Bachmann, (R:MN).
Bachmann torched Obama for living a lavish lifestyle as President while most of us are struggling for friction in an Obama led economy wrecked by crony capitalism, destructive FED policies, absence of the rule of law, rewards for irresponsible behavior and an advancing nanny state robbing people of their identity.
See a portion of the speech by Bachmann below:
Although Bachmann did embellish some points, for example, the walking of the dog, the premise of the comments cannot be legitimately challenged. Do I have a reader who honestly does not think Obama is exceeding common guidelines with respect to living in excess as President? In addition, do any not see the hypocrisy of him sparing no expense vacationing and golfing while most of us are struggling mightily in the dismal economy he is presiding over?
In my career, I have noticed great leaders provide an example for those they command or lead by establishing a code of behavior and work ethic. For crying out loud, the president and first lady take separate planes on vacation, something we previously found obscene. A respected leader would not close tours of The White House to gain political points while his family vacations touring the world.
Meet President Obama.
Bachmann has been hit hard in the aftermath of these comments, by both sides. CNN correspondent Dana Bash ambushed Bachmann in a parking lot. Mind you, Bash, who would not know a Fulton county commission meeting if it was held in the CNN parking lot, cannot find time to chase the Obama administration down on anything, but was in high speed pursuit of Bachmann.
From the supposed right, Bill O'Reilly led the way, hammering Bachmann on is FOX program "The O'Reilly Factor. Please take a listen to O'Reilly below:
O'Reilly is off the mark, which is unfortunately more common than you may think. I was not the only one who noticed, as The Great One Mark Levin let O'Reilly have it on his nationally syndicated radio show. Listen to Levin HERE.
On Monday, we learned Bachmann is now the center on an ethics investigation for the misuse of campaign funds. The Blaze reports that Federal investigators are now interviewing former Bachmann campaign staffers nationwide about alleged intentional campaign-finance violations. Would these be the same disgruntled former staff members fired for poorly leading her 2012 presidential campaign?
But this is not the point, as everyone who remains sane recognizes that President Obama gives no consideration to the money he spends as President, or as Commander in Chief in running up the national debt, and that an upstart investigation focusing on former staff members has the earmark of a witch hunt.
Most on the left think Bachmann is a dingbat, so why all the long knives? We have hit this topic previously, and make no mistake about it; Bachmann is being targeted for her having been an outspoken opponent of our coziness with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Once Bachmann publicly questioned our policy toward the Muslim Brotherhood, she has been in the cross hairs. From John McCain to Bill O'Reilly on the right, to the entire roster of lefties, Bachmann must be taken down and discredited publicly before someone takes her seriously. You see, she is being hit with propaganda portraying her as discredited. Restated with an Orwellian flare, just like two plus two equals five, what you see presented about her are the opposite of the facts.

The Muslim Brotherhood has taken over in Egypt, and is positioning themselves in Syria. Benghazi, who is not a WalMart greeter but rather the location where Ambassador Stevens and three other patriots were left hanging to be murdered by the Obama administration, is presumed to have been the location for gun running negotiations where guns were being run through Turkey to the Syrian rebels, who are really the Muslim Brotherhood. For more on the gun running, see the following Gateway Pundit article.
Don't we usually demand a full investigation, especially under the most transparent administration ever, when our Ambassador get killed? Then why are we silencing witnesses?
As we have noted, Bachmann is correct on this and we encourage you to support her in any way possible. Don't be distracted by all the noise surrounding and ridicule of Bachmann, just know that the reason she is being targeted is because she is asking questions the administration does not want to answer. Efforts to discredit Bachmann have failed thus far, so the progressives are stepping up their game.
Bachmann indeed must be on to something.
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