Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Measure of Success

While literally in midst of another domestic terrorist attack in Washington, DC at the Naval ship yard, in what can only be described as a classless and appalling action, President Obama took to the podium in front of a staged crowd marking the five year anniversary of the financial crisis to take credit for saving America from a a depression.

The top priority since his tenure in the oval office began, Obama reiterated his intention of focusing like a laser beam in his effort in building our economy so it works for everyone and laying out a new foundation for economic growth and prosperity. Take a listen:

With an adoring mainstream media failing to once again to question the assessment of the president, the extreme lies and misrepresentations of this speech cannot go unchallenged.

Obama, through the passage of Dodd-Frank, has left most banks paralyzed, as he blames the money center banks for creating the housing crisis through unsavory lending and underwriting practices.  Never mind that much of the blame falls on the goings on surrounding the Community Reinvestment Act, which sought to provide loans to lower income individuals and families who under normal established guidelines would fail to qualify.  ACORN, a community activist organization Obama supported and worked with, threatened legal action and public ridicule through protest for those considered racist banks who refused to dismiss best underwriting practices and engage in lending to unqualified applicants.

Dodd-Frank also provides consumer protection for those engaging in commerce with banks, given the deemed incompetence of the consumer derived by the government.  Forget buyer beware, Obama and big brother are here to help, guiding (and restricting) what banking actions of commerce the consumer will be allowed to engage in. Dodd-Frank does nothing but restrict banking opportunities all while increasing costs of the consumers.  It is about nothing but government control, and limits the individual liberty and economic freedom of the citizenry.

In addition, while we are at it, the assault on property rights also adds costs and restricts freedom of property owners through EPA implemented regulatory action, restricted permitting and zoning regulations implemented under Agenda 21.  Has anyone replaced an HVAC system lately?

President Obama spoke of how his efforts jump started the flow of credit.  Through government entitlements, such as HARP, scores of homeowners have refinanced their mortgages at lower interest rates as banks beholden to the government have been directed to provide this opportunity.  The lost money is absorbed by the taxpayers.

Most property owners, due to underwater property values, facing restricted credit and unstable employment, are unable to qualify for loans without government assistance.  Credit for small businesses, and mortgage loans free from governmental intrusion, remain quite difficult to obtain.

Some thirteen trillions dollars have been spent, actually borrowed, to "stabilize the economy" and create jobs, and although Obama has no idea, this has been a colossal failure in large measure to his horrendous economic policies. Remove the FED buying bonds, begin some tapering, and see how stable the economy is.

While the administration trumpets a lowering unemployment rate, it should be noted that figure has been grossly manipulated.  Millions of Americans, unable to find work, have quit looking, and thus have fallen from being counted in the data sample, thus allowing the rate to fall.  The real story can be found by looking at the Labor Force Participation Rate, which tells us that the amount of our citizenry fully employed, not withstanding steady population growth, is at levels not seen since 1978.

The real statistics regarding the economy are staggering, and if the workforce was equal to when Obama was sworn in, the unemployment rate would be closer to 14%.  Among the jobs Obama has claimed to create, a mind boggling number have been part time, in large measure due to companies limiting the hours of their employees in preparation of the implementation of Obamacare.  Obama championed the flagship legislation he spearheaded in Obamacare, the current top ranked job killer in America. 
In a related statistic, ZeroHedge.com illustrates economic realities even the low information crowd can comprehend; reporting a record number of restaurant workers while restaurant companies report decreasing sales.  Something is wrong with this picture.
Obama noted an erosion of the middle class, unaware his policies are the culprit.  Families are working harder than ever for less as median family income is lower than when he took office, coupled with rising costs in health care, food and of course gas, which has been over $3 a gallon, in contrast to a cost of $1.83 upon him taking office, for over 1000 days.
In fact, Obama highlighted his efforts to insist on new technologies to end our addiction to foreign oil.  Given that commentary, it is puzzling that this included reducing domestic drilling where possible, with a byproduct of a reduction in jobs, and increasing purchases from foreign countries.  Obama proclaimed we sought to become Brazil's biggest customer for oil.  Cheers!
Higher education has been an item Obama has focused on, even having Sallie Mae taken over by the federal government,  Sadly, the cost of higher education has never been higher and issues abound.
Much of the stimulus money went to unions organization and green job initiatives, many of whom are now bankrupt. Bridges and roads earmarked for repair remain in need as the money went elsewhere.
Obama was thrilled to save Detroit, except he did not.  The city of Detroit has gone bankrupt, and General Motors has been unable to repay Uncle Sam for the bailout.  The famed Pontiac Motor Division fails now to exist, and green energy vehicles Obama forced GM to produce have not produced a profit.  In a brazen derailment from contract law, bond holders had their money stolen while auto unions were padded.  Dealerships that were closed were over 80% owned by GOP donors, a political hit.  Ford, meanwhile, turned down the bailout and is outperforming GM. 

When Obama adds it up, he sees a tremendous success. Given his ambition to fundamentally transform the United States of America, his presiding over our decline may be measured as such.  For those who appreciate free markets, individual liberty and economic freedom, his tenure has been catastrophic.

But the lies and misrepresentation did not end there.  Yet to come was the all too common bitterly partisan and divisive attack on those meddling kids, otherwise known as Republicans.

It is worth noting, again, that for the fist 18 months of the Obama administration, until the election in Massachusetts of Scott Brown, democrats held a super majority. Better stated, the republicans may as well have played golf everyday because they alone could stop no legislative action. Zero.

At this point, the GOP has the house, but the democrats still control the presidency and the senate. Furthermore, against rhetoric to the contrary, a long list of progressive GOP members refrain from contesting Obama on anything, even some having supported much of his plans, inclusive of Obamacare.

The economic chaos Obama speaks of has been caused by his wreckless spending, exploding entitlements and attacks on small business and free markets.  Keep in mind it is Obama and his party are and have been in control presiding in the decline of America.

With respect to those who are offering opposition to Obama and his collective ambitions, I joined millions of others in electing representatives charged with defeating his initiatives.  It is Obama who has tanked the economy, not a handful of GOP members who oppose his socialistic goals.

Obama is emphatic that he will not negotiate with the GOP on the budget issues, which is odd coming from a man who claimed he would negotiate with any terrorist on the planet.  The GOP always get hammered for not compromising, but it is Obama who will not negotiate.

Yes, when you add it up, freedom and prosperity has been lost under Obama's presidency.  Five years after he implemented his strategy, with limited elected opposition, the country is far from economically stable and cannot pay its bills.  Seemingly under control of the administration, the FED is monetizing our bloated debt, crushing savers and decreasing asset wealth in what has to be considered the reaching of Obama's goal of the transformation of wealth.

The media can cheer Obama on, but those of us in the middle class out here working know what the scorecard says.  The economic conditions as a result of the actions taken by Obama have significantly reduced freedom and prosperity, the opportunity to achieve it, and have decreased the standard of living for the greater majority of our citizens.

How is success measured in this case.  For Obama, presiding over the transformation of the United States is considered a rousing success.  I consider those actions unconstitutional, and therefore seek his impeachment.

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