When I was a kid, when I thought of cowboys, it was Heath and Nick Barkley of the Barkley family ranch in Stockton, California.
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Heath & Nick Barkley |
In these times, those of us on the side of freedom must not only fight the opponent, but fight the double agents who claim to be on our side as well.
This has been quite evident in recent weeks in the fight, led by Texas GOP Senator Ted Cruz and Utah GOP Senator Mike Lee to defund Obamacare. It is no longer Republicans versus Democrats on Obamacare, but as noted by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton over at Noisy Room, Tea Party Patriots versus Progressives, from both parties.
Sarah Palin told the 'Gutless and Rudderless’ GOP Establishment to ‘Stop the Ridiculous Hysterics’ and Stand Its Ground Against Obamacare.
As reported in an exclusive interview with Brietbart, Palin said “Open your eyes, America,” Palin continues. “When the full reality of Obamacare strikes home, we’ll thank God that principled leaders like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee took a stand to stop it in its tracks. “But the permanent political class is handwringing and howling that if there’s a government shutdown the media will blame Republicans for it. Here’s a little newsflash, GOP establishment: Whenever anything bad happens, the media blames Republicans for it. That’s not an excuse to roll over and play dead.”
With the GOP establishment and the entire left against the efforts by Cruz and Lee, Palin offers encouragement, tweeting "We have your backs, Ted and Mike! #DefundObamacare" We do to.
Unfortunately, the usual progressive weasels in the GOP are wanting to go along to get along, intoxicated with the power they currently have expressing little concern at the erosion of freedom engulfing the American citizenry seemingly on a daily basis.
With Sen. Cruz scheduled to appear with Chris Wallace on FOX News Sunday yesterday, Brietbart reported that Wallace, the host of Fox News Sunday, said that Republicans in Washington were savaging Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) behind Cruz's back before Cruz's appearance on the program to discuss defunding Obamacare.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell knows nothing, and Karl Rove, although not surprised, has no names. Mark Levin and Sarah Palin have called on FOX News to "keep it fair and balanced" and release the names of those who dropped dime. If only they would attack Democrats with the same vigor.
Two GOP members who have been vocal in their opposition to Cruz and Lee are Senator Lindsey Graham, R:SC, and Senator John McCain, R:AZ. I have never been a fan of Graham, who even when talking a big game, like getting to the bottom of the goings on in Benghazi, ends up doing nothing. Senator McCain is a man I had always respected, primarily due to his brave service to our nation. Although not my first choice, I strongly supported McCain in 2008, erroneously encouraged by his selection of Sarah Palin as VP and with vehement opposition to his opponent.
Seemingly since then, McCain has supported Obama more than those in the GOP aiming to defeat him. McCain, who is entertaining thoughts of supporting Hillary Clinton in 2016 and who called Cruz, Lee and Rand Paul "wacko birds, is the one who has lost sound mind from the Reagan Revolution he so proudly claims membership in. I now seek his retirement.
Sen. David Vitter, R:LA, is shopping around an amendment which would un-exempt members from an Obamacare carve out, but he is finding little support. As The Wizard points out, it is hard to gain traction when your own supposed team members are so vocal about being double agents.
Enough already. I stand firm in opposition to McCain, Graham, NH Sen. Kelly Ayotte, VA Rep. Eric Cantor, TN Sen. Lamar Alexander, NY Rep. Peter King, Speaker John Boehner, R:OH and NJ Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey among others.
With the monstrosity legislation of Obamacare at our doorstep, there has not been a more important time in many a moon to fight the establishment, those among the ruling class who believe they can provide lawful guidelines collectively for you to best live your life.
Nothing can command more control over you than associations with your health; including food consumption, exercise and fitness, lifestyle management and health options with respect to medicine authorizations ranging from prescriptions to invasive surgical options. and those death panels.
As Palin said; time to get on Cruz Control and put our all the fires unseen.
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