Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Enjoyed the Fresh Air on Cruz Control

Ted Crus, R:TX/Photo CSPAN
Senator Ted Cruz, R:TX, took to the Senate floor with the character of a statesman and for 21 hours spoke eloquently against Obamacare, a hideous plan of socialized medicine and government control limiting the freedom and liberty of the citizenry.

Cruz left the personal attacks behind, attacking Obamacare point by point based upon what we know regarding the ever changing bill as the Secretary shall determine. Epic to be sure.

As expected, arrows flew the way of Cruz from lemming Democrats and deranged left wing progressives, many of whom personally attacked Cruz.  Chuck Schumer, D:NY and Senate Majority Leader and despicable individual Harry Reid were two.

In what has become an all too familiar reality, arrows shot at the back of Cruz came from members of his own party, which included the usual suspects.  In fact, John McCain took the floor to admonish Cruz.  You recall McCain would not dream of doing that when he ran against Obama is 2008, but  seems eager to get in the face of Cruz. Pitiful.

As reported by Brietbart, Representative Louie Gohmert (R -TX) sat in the chamber during the entire event watching Cruz talk about liberty and the totalitarian Cuban Communist regime Cruz's own father faced as a teenager.  Gohmert is one of the good guys without doubt.

Cruz represented the people who sent representatives to Washington specifically to fight the oppressive and tyrannical government who seek to limit freedom.  Those opposed are intoxicated with power, and are illustrative of what is wrong in and with Washington.

Cheers to Ted Cruz; we got your back.  It was a pleasure to ride on Cruz Control the over the last day, and your efforts are greatly appreciated.  In addition, the decorum you choose to engage provides an example to many of how legitimate differences in opinion can be placed in the public square.

For those seeking Cruz, Paul, Lee and the Tea Party Patriots across the fruited plain to surrender our liberty, the wait will be long.  Cruz no doubt channeled to wisdom of Ronald Reagan on this day, who spoke of these battles in his first inaugural speech.

Steps will be taken aimed at restoring the balance between the various levels of government. Progress may be slow—measured in inches and feet, not miles—but we will progress. Is it time to reawaken this industrial giant, to get government back within its means, and to lighten our punitive tax burden. And these will be our first priorities, and on these principles, there will be no compromise.

Thanks to Senator Ted Cruz for standing up for us freedom fighters.  Cowboy Up! #DefundObamacare #MakeDCListen #StandWithCruz

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