Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Trap of Indoctrination

Immediately following a brief PTSA meeting tonight, it was meet the teachers. 

However, in our first classroom, after some announcements, the playing of The Star Spangled Banner and the reciting of The Pledge of Allegiance, we were treated to the following propaganda video singing the supposed virtues of the Common Core State Standards. 

Perhaps you saw in your school, but if not, take a listen.

Interestingly enough, not that it was expected, there was no mention of data mining or any other of the evil lurking inside.

Since this was presented in the classrooms of teachers, detailed questions regarding the Common Core Standards were not able to asked.  Even if asked, the teachers were not at liberty to offer any further information than the generalities we already know.

For legitimate inquiry and questioning regarding Common Core, one needs to attend the local school board.  But be forewarned; the school board will not appreciate your questioning of their authority.

An example of this is a video all Americans need to see.

A father seeks to question a local school board in a Baltimore suburb regarding Common Core, an education curriculum with hidden tentacles which is being currently being implemented in some 45 states.

Wait until you see the treatment he received:

Common Core, which we labeled as being rotten earlier this year, is an evil effort to ultimately control many aspects of the future for your children; a trap of indoctrination.

As you can see from the video, school officials across the country are not taking kindly to the citizens questioning aspects of the plan and the the objectives found within, which is inclusive of data mining.

It is extremely alarming that a parent was forcibly removed and arrested for questioning Common Core. Since when are questions illegal? We The People are being silenced.  This encroachment of our freedom cannot be allowed.

 Please be advised; in all and every legally permissible way, I will not comply.

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