Thursday, October 31, 2013

Consequences of Truth


Michael Ramirez/Investors Business Daily

You don't get to keep your health care plans. 

Another home run by Pulitzer Prize winning editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez of Investors Business Daily, whose editorial page will inform you what is really going on.

Although the mainstream media is running as much interference as possible in effort to protect the President and his objectives of transformation from the public, the truth is seeping out.

With much of the general public picking themselves up off their driveway after having been met with sticker shock, or even cancellations, they figure the government simply was off target in their calculations.  However, the government, or shall I say the progressive architects of the bill nobody outside of Betsy McCaughey read, knew all along this would be the case.

In fact, as reported by The Washington Examiner, according to Sander Levin, D-Mich, the "so-called cancellation notices" merely "help people transition to a new policy."

You have been lied to, repeatedly, and while you may not recognize your freedoms are being decreased with contracting choice, your wallet will pinch you so hard you won't be able to find a seat.

With a disaster of titanic proportions, the people will rise up and demand the government fix the problem, which is yet another move of orchestration by the Obama regime. The ends justify the means with the Obama regime.

On to a single payer plan, where everyone is insured.  The single payer plan has always been the objective of the progressives, with a low degree of difficulty of discovery for those who sought the truth.  The truth has not been concealed from us.  The truth has just been danced around by the media, and an intoxicated public by the irrelevance found in a trivial culture has failed to protect the freedoms our founders fought to give us. 

The authors of the plan, The Tides Foundation, spoke candidly about it.  President Obama, even prior to being elected, discussed openly his goal of achieving a single payer system.  The only difference is that few thought it could become a reality so quickly.

With many thinking Obamacare was the ultimate treat, with the restriction of the freedom of choice of health care and lifestyle decisions coupled with escalating costs, it can only be classified as a trick for those reduced to members of the outer party, plagued by passivity and preoccupation.

We tried, unsuccessfully, to warn you.  Please pay better attention, while you still can. This is no trick.

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