Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Victims We Know So Well

For many, the behavior of President Obama in recent weeks during the partial government shutdown has been an eye opener.  Seemingly in consult with advisor Valerie Jarrett, who vowed to punish enemies; petulant, spiteful, vindictive and punitive action by President Obama spread from his political opponents to affect factions of the entire citizenry.  Most took notice, and few were impressed.

Particularly noteworthy to many was not the closing of the national parks, but the spiteful behavior exhibited toward our veterans.  As despicable as it was for our President to deny military families death benefits and thwart our veterans aiming to visit the WWII Memorial, it was a stick in the eye to gleefully open the National Mall for an immigration rally with paid protesters to advocate for an open borders immigration policy.

While this behavior was simply stunning to many, for those of us who know who Barack Obama is, it came as no surprise. The mainstream media has been running cover since his election campaign began in 2008, and as such, Americans working harder by the day to provide for their families, perhaps got their first glimpse of the character, or lack thereof, of our Commander in Chief.

Dinesh D'Souza, with his work on Obama, most notably in his book "The Roots of Obama's Rage", has been informing the public for years the basis of the mindset President Obama operates from.

"What really motivates Barack Obama is an inherited rage—an often masked, but profound rage that comes from his African father; an anticolonialist rage against Western dominance, and most especially against the wealth and power of the very nation Barack Obama now leads. It is this rage that explains the previously inexplicable, and that gives us a startling look at what might lie ahead."

The summarization of the points made by D'Souza was in part enhanced this morning on FOX & Friends, when host host Steve Doocy interviewed Dr. Keith Ablow.  In analyzing the behavior and rhetoric recently employed by President Obama, Ablow came to some rather concerning conclusions.  Take a listen:

The analysis of Dr. Ablow regarding President Obama is extremely accurate. Behind the mask, Obama inside feels he was victimized as a youth, that minorities and the poor in this country have been penalized by those who have achieved wealth and prosperity, and he aims to right these perceived wrongs.  This is also true in his feelings about America; her history and prosperity, which he deems fraudulent.

Policies enacted by Obama have been of significant benefit to those who consider themselves victims, and the administration has encouraged many to become victims.  The exponential expansion of unemployment and disability benefits are prime examples.

These actions are in stark contrast to the tenants of individual freedom and personal responsibility outlined among our founding principles. The President is disempowering the citizenry, transforming wealth from those Obama has deemed have to victimized others to obtain to those who were supposedly victimized along the way. 

These are the victims he knows so well. Now you know him.

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