Monday, October 28, 2013

Treated To A Trick

With Halloween fast approaching, the frightening aspects of Obamascare are coming to light for many Americans who have been living amongst the cobwebs, drowning in a sea of irrelevance while freedoms our forefathers fought and died for are being taken away.

As the website, mired in mind boggling levels of incompetence, becomes functional, additional information concerning Obamacare will become known to the low information trivial culture.  Truths that are discovered, ones that many of us warned about, will be revealed and will not be absorbed kindly by those who expect a free lunch.

Obamacare is based off young workers, who rarely utilize expensive health care, to carry the load for the aged population with high health care costs.  The manipulation of statistics by the administration and with criminally complicit media partners feeding the public propaganda, it is not  widely known that the unemployment rate for those young workers expected to accept the burned of the costs is at historically high levels.  Translation; without significant job creation in the very near future, the Ponzi scheme will fail to adequately fund itself, leading to a myriad of problems that potentially can lead to civil unrest.

Dumb asses failing to pay attention who voted in these progressive administrators of tyranny force all of us to get a government we deserve.  Freedom and liberty are contracting, while tyranny expands.

Don't worry; Obamascare won't be that bad. Those who cannot make a profit on the food service on Amtrack are in charge.  Big Brother will continue persecute individualism and rule for the greater good, increasingly boxing us all in.

Have I mentioned those panels of death?

Trick or Treat.

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