Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fear Ratchets Up Nastiness

It is really getting nasty.

Those fighting for freedom are getting blasted from the progressives within both parties who in their arrogance seek to gain further control of the citizenry through expanding government.

Add FOX News Anchor Arthel Neville to the list of ill informed imbeciles who distort the facts and employ condescending ridicule to confuse the audience in effort to control the dialogue on important issues.  Get a listen to the hit job on Texas GOP Congressman Louie Gohmert.

WOW!  This was on FOX News Channel, if you noticed.

In some background, Senator Claire McCaskill, D:MO, recently accused Gohmert and others for grandstanding at the US WWII Memorial and of playing politics on the backs of veterans.  FOX News interviewed Gohmert, placing a crawler beneath labeling him as having to respond to the allegations he was playing politics with veterans, as if he had been deemed guilty.

Never mind that is actually President Obama, despicably so, that is the orchestrator of using the veterans, who his actions dictate a loathing of, in political games.  I missed the interviews with administration members calling them out for their unacceptable and anti-American behavior.

Rep. Gohmert is definitely on the progressive hit list, but it was a bit unsettling to see him attacked in such a juvenile manner on FOX News.  The viewership appropriately filled out the scorecard, and we took notice.

I find it quite puzzling that those in the media continue to hammer Rep. Gohmert, Sen. Cruz, R:TX, and Sen. Lee, R:UT, for fighting against for freedom when it is President Obama and his administration that are at fault for placing the country in economic peril.

Arthel Neville demanded honest talk from Gohmert, but she skirted the truth repeatedly in effort to win points assumably for her progressive allies, which she failed miserably at doing.  Please see the following points:

*Neville correctly points out public polling scores the Congress with historic lows, but fails to note that President Obama has an all time low in his approval rating as well.

* Neville is worried the "brand" of the GOP is being harmed, seemingly for not adhering to the demands of President Obama and joining forces to end the standoff. Sadly, the GOP has compromised; over and over again.  President Obama and Sen. Reid, D:NV, are the ones who has stated triumphantly he will not negotiate.  Since the House are the appropriators, this places Obama in a rather tight spot. 

*Neville suggested the low polling was due to GOP members not doing the Chris Christie waltz with Obama. But the GOP brand has been harmed due to party leaders not standing on the founding principles of the party, joining progressive big government counterparts in aiding the decline of prosperity here in America. Those are the GOP members who will feel the wrath at the ballot box.

*Neville demands a clear resolution, failing to note the Senate had not produced a budget and that Obama has presented budgets that have not received one, not one, vote.  The only clear bill would be the GOP "caving" to the demands of President Obama, which is total capitulation, an idea that would no doubt warm the heart of Ms. Neville but would in contrast to the conservative base of the GOP, of which I am a member.

The bottom line is that those in power will stop at no effort to retain it, and as evidenced by them ratcheting up the fight at every turn, from the media attacks and wreckless rhetoric of elected officials aiming to discredit and ridicule opponents to the escalated and illegal efforts in controlling citizen behavior, it can be noted their level of fear of those who aim to limit their power has them alarmed.

Fearful of losing, nudge moves to shove, which increases the opportunity for civil unrest, an event they are hoping for.  As it continues to get nasty, we must continue to act in the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr.  Let them show their faces from behind the mask, and the public will see those who seek to limit freedom of and embark on tyranny on we the people.

We hold the winning hand in the end.

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