Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Clock of the Heart

Last night,  I reported a major shark jump on the evening. It is not even Thanksgiving, and yet Rudolph is courting Clarice on CBS television. Good Grief!

The rush of engaging in the Christmas shopping season seems to have overtaken the real meaning behind each of the three holidays during this time period, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day.
Thanksgiving was created by George Washington to give thanks to our creator, God, for the blessings we have received.  Christmas, of course, celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, as our Father gave his only Son to forgive us for our sins.  New Years represents a new beginning, an opportunity to redirect and eliminate the branches of evil that prohibit us from reaching our full potential.
We should give proper credence to the holiday of Thanksgiving, so important that the indispensable man George Washington thought it worthy of recognition. Thomas Jefferson found it so meaningful it required annual recognition, which is why our nation celebrates this day annually.
After we give thanks for the blessings we have been granted, we can move on to the celebration of Christmas and then seek the opportunity to reach redemption and make the new year better than the previous one. 
As a capitalist, I hope everyone can enjoy the shopping for gifts till your hearts content, but please remember the reason for the season and recognize the blessings and opportunities we have been given.
In closing, a memo to the national television networks.  Please give paramount consideration to the chronological order of these holidays, for this is a tradition we are not in favor of changing, even if it is the wish of our current First Lady.

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