Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Michael Ramirez/Investors Business Daily
Contrary to what is being spun by the lamestream media darlings who shower the citizenry with volumes of propaganda in support of their anointed leader, when the President of the United States blatantly lies to the American people regarding proposed legislation only as a bait and switch to implement a government program which limits choice and freedom, it is in fact a big fucking deal.

It boggles the mind to think under what mindset Obama was able to convince a majority of the voting public to support him in his effort for re-election, but there is little doubt Obama would have been unsuccessful if the voters knew now what they should have known then.

Shame on them for not taking the responsibility as a citizen to adequately assess the candidates. But for the sitting President to act in such deception of governance, and this is going on in many levels from Bengahzi to sanction negotiations with Iran, the assessment of being a liar transitions to potential articles of impeachment, for which we have previously called for.

No quarter will be provided for the Obamacare Dozen, a group of Democrats seeking delay of the individual mandate because their re-election is now looking shaky. Each and every single one of these morons, and I'll add Sen. Diane Feinstein (D:CA) to the list, supported Obamacare and welcomed the opportunity for federal government bureaucrats to make health care decisions for you in your stead because of your ignorance on governing yourself.

The same goes for Hillary Clinton.  Today, Bill Clinton weighed in on the situation suggesting Obama make some adjustments, but this is simply cover for Hillary 2016, as both of the Clinton's firmly supported Obamacare.

It should be understood thoroughly that any efforts from Democrats at this juncture to fix or delay the law is only presented to enhance their political position for the next election and does not come from a position change on the law.

It is worth noting that those who created the problem are rarely those who should be charged with fixing the problem.

An editorial in Investors Business Daily notes All These Lies And Incompetence, Too, but the truth is  this entire affair was all by design, including orchestration of the failed roll out.  These people are not operating nincompoops; they wish for there to be chaos causing a worried public to seek help from an all to willing government to further increase power and control over the citizenry.

With respect to Obamacare, it is the single payer system that is the goal, and with a distraught and frightened public, it will sadly arrive much sooner than originally thought.  The only hope is for the Congress to reassert their power and put the Commander in Overreach back in his proper place.

Sadly, with a untrustworthy candidate spewing lies left and right, the voters failed to accomplish that.

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