Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Orchestrated and Historic Mistake

Watch the other hand.

While we were all contemplating putting up the Christmas decorations and watching football over the weekend, our Commander in Deceit, hard at work in transforming not only the wealth of our nation, but its sovereignty as well, secured a deal with Iran to seemingly restrict their effort in obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Surely, the administration is patting themselves all over the back for a job well done, inclusive of the ill-informed David Ignatius, but few outside of Obamabot nation are enthused.  Several Democrats have voiced opposition, and while it is hard to decipher some GOP progressives from the overwhelming progressive element of the formerly sane Democratic party, all GOP members appear opposed.

Teresa Monroe-Hamilton, over on her truly outstanding blog The Noisy Room, posts an essay from Arlene from Israel expressing her feelings, shared by most, of betrayal.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labels the "historical agreement" a historical mistake, and in our opinion, that would be gently described analysis. Among those voicing alarming displeasure are Mark Levin and Ralph Peters.

Former US UN Ambassador John Bolton, not pleased, discussed the agreement with Megyn Kelley of FOX News.  Take a listen:

Many contemplate this action was a wagging the dog event, as Investors Business Deily noted "It takes something big to distract the nation from ObamaCare, the IRS scandal, Benghazi, and the Census Bureau moonlighting as Obama campaign aides — like a pact getting Islamofascist Iran to give up its nuclear program."

Over on the outstanding editorial page at Investors Business Daily, two pieces note the level of appeasement rivals few while Iran, who labels the United States as The Great Satan, is untrustworthy at best. If this action was only Neville Chamberlain style naivete.  It is not, but rather orchestrated action.

Although we have questioned for some time which side the administration is on, there can be little doubt this move is a brazen act once again embracing our enemies while punching our allies in the face.  It should be noted, Iran is the head of snake of terrorism, an architect of sponsored acts while supporting our enemies with weaponry and cash.

We noted, while eagerly ushering chaos in the middle east, Obama failed to act in any way against the Iran regime during the uprising by the Iranian citizens a few years back.  Actions speak louder than words, and Obama acts as though he is supportive of Iranian actions on the world stage.  In addition, it should be noted he may be influenced by his top advisor Valerie Jarrett, who has extensive ties to Iran through her family.

A libertarian line of thinking might conclude that Iran should be able to obtain nuclear weapons like any other nation, but that is the mindset that eliminates complete libertarianism from being a significant player on the political landscape.

Iran, as previously mentioned, is the head of the snake of terrorism.  There actions on the world stage, of antagonistic rhetoric, continued violations human rights, sponsoring and engaging in terrorism and the continued defiance of international protocol identifies them as bad actors who cannot be trusted with any level of civility and responsibility demanded by those who would possess nuclear weaponry.

Although those sane in the world recognize this, President Obama, sees the playing field differently. As usual, Obama is wrong, but more alarmingly, these actions call into question, yet again, which side he is actually on.  Actions demonstrate his uniform is not red, white and blue.

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