Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tentacles of Deceit

For anyone that knows SAT is a Scholastic Aptitude Test, it is clear the Obama administration, which has been based upon deception and diversion, has been lying to the American people with stunning arrogance on a myriad of subjects.

This week, the nation continues to reel from the deception surrounding Obamacare. Late last night in a breaking story, we learned that just prior to the 2012 election, the unemployment numbers were manipulated, or to be blunt, falsified.

Perhaps the biggest lie was involving the events which took the loves of four American Patriots in Benghazi. Many have forgotten, as the administration worked diligently to keep the facts hidden. Thankfully, there are many who continue to seek answers and aim to hold the administration accountable. 

Michael Ramirez of Investors Business Daily has not forgotten, nor have we.

Micheal Ramirez/Investors Business Daily
Maintsream media outlets are reporting that recent issues have cast a cloud on the credibility of our president. Submitted for your review in a previous blogpost, liars lack credibility, and sadly, President Obama lost that with us almost from the get go, if he ever had any.

America is in peril.  An increasingly trivial culture preoccupied with political correctness and passivity, we have allowed individuals without principles, who lack a moral compass and a respect for the rule of law, to attain positions of governance over our citizenry.

This most troubling development will lead to a dark future of oppression if not thwarted in short order.  For the sake of future generations, we all must do our part to reclaim America from those who seek to alter the visions of our Founders and the faith based principles that guided them all.

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