Oh, those victories are piling up, aren't they.
Although we are continuously informed of unimagined success via false rhetoric and propaganda, the reality on the ground cascades into defeat.
At least President Obama is a legend in his own mind, and in the narrow halls of the Obamabots mind sets.
Our opponents stand in astonishment that we have elected such an individual to lead our once great nation; either an economic and international relations neophyte or an individual with identifiable to goals to bring this country to its knees through wealth redistribution to seemingly right ill-perceived wrongs in effort to promote social justice with equal opportunity, and outcomes.
Both lines of thinking will escalate the demise of this nation as we have known it, and just might get tens of thousands killed.
Take the Global War on Terror.
According to Obama, under his brilliant leadership, al Qaeda is on the run, with only factions, or in the words of that major sports fan Obama, the jay-vees, still causing limited trouble these days. The war is over, again not possible without his intellectual acumen, and we can all rest easy now.
Except, the al Qeada flag was just recently raised over Fallujah and Ramadi, both located in the Anwar province of Iraq. In fact, as Breitbart reports, Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), a former Navy pilot and combat Veteran in Iraq, says these locations are being used to launch attacks into Syria.
Remember Syria?
Recall back in August, President Obama took to the national airways to plead for national support to take this country to war against Syria, who Obama described as having used chemical weapons on its own people. What ever came of that? Why is Obama no longer tearfully concerned about those poor children.
President Obama, not considering victory as a goal, informed a war weary nation he would end the war, and in his mind, he has with roaring success. But in reality, he has waved the flag of surrender, (don't think for a moment he finds this negative), making all our spilled treasure practically worthless all the while having placed the United States in an increasingly vulnerable position.
Our "scheduled" retreat provides far reaching opportunities for our enemies, and while everything is sunshine and lollipops according to Obama and his propaganda mechanized media. Last Christmas Eve, Buck Sexton of The Blaze, offers us a legit scorecard of our foreign policy and national security.
There have been such "limited"events such as the Boston bombing, but none are more attention grabbing at the moment than the warnings of terror attacks surrounding the upcoming Olympics in Russia.
Amid a rash of terror threats, considered by most as active and alarmingly legitimate, there is growing concern worldwide which has resulted in unprecedented steps being taken to secure the games. Alerts for as many as four "black widows" and a "white widow," the wife of a dead terrorist, have been released by authorities, with fear these operatives have already infiltrated the immediate area of the games.
The hunt is on, and various news agencies, including FOX News and CNN, have reported that the US has positioned war ships within reach for a multitude of scenarios.
Russia President Vladamir Putin has vowed to "do whatever it takes" to secure the games, but Russia has a tainted history in dealing with these terrorists. Putin does not appear to be seeking much help from US authorities, although past working relationships in this arena have achieved results.
Sadly, the United States, under President Obama, has no credibility in terms of working relationships with allies in this arena, and furthermore, through weakness, has failed to present a stern front against the terrorists, rather embracing bad actors who harbor terrorists while embracing dialogue with those countries who actively engage in terrorist activities. See Iran, who is now estimated to be only within weeks of being able to produce a nuclear weapon.
It is this lack of resolve, void of leadership, and a dovish if not sympathetic position on the extensive dangers of terrorism, that emboldens our enemies and increases opportunities for their success. I subscribe to the Reagan philosophy of peace through strength, which is the opposite of the international relations being currently implemented by this strong reemergence of the blame America first crowd.
The global war on terror is not over.
I fear, having put these small minded arm chair philosophers fresh from the faculty lounge in charge, America and our partners in the west may indeed pay a steep price for not fighting these terrorist with a full arsenal. If so, the reasons we were placed in such a position of vulnerability should be quite clear.
It would rest with our current leadership, Ms. Clinton included, who are legends in their own minds.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Time To Change Lanes
Recently, a blog post titled Breaking The Boardwalk, was presented detailing how early hopes have most certainly been lost when it comes to Chris Christie, the boisterous governor of New Jersey.
While early on Christie had exhibited such promise, it has become increasingly clear that Christie, while certainly preferable to Hillary Clinton in a 2016 presidential campaign, is not someone who should be placed in the position to represent the republican party in 2016; or at least the republican party once commanded by Ronaldus Magnus.
Christie has found himself at the center point of a ever increasing scandal involving members of staff closing several lanes of the George Washington bridge, a very heavily traveled bridge connecting New Jersey with Manhattan. The drive by media cannot get enough of the story, as they see it damaging to who they view as the main challenger to a Hillary Clinton nomination in 2016.
Gov. Christie has denied any knowledge of the actions of his staff members, noting he was heartbroken and "disturbed by the tone and behavior and attitude" from those long time associates within his staff. It is exactly that culture, which no doubt houses Christie himself, that is troubling.
At least Christie, in a news conference, accepted responsibility for the debacle, asked forgiveness from the citizenry and sought to be received by the mayor Fort Lee, a Christie critic, to apologize, which he was in what was described as a cordial meeting. Fort Lee, by the way, is not some relay station along the Hudson, but rather a major business area, home in fact to the operations of CNBC.
Christie had previously said the bridge lane closures were part of a traffic study. So, if we got this straight, because the government needs information, easily gathered through a handful of means, lane closures causing untold discomfort, losses in time and wages, and potentially interfering with law enforcement and ambulance activities was deemed necessary.
Rather than noting the lane closures as part of this potential study, had I been the Governor of New Jersey, it would seem obvious the pain inflicted upon the citizenry far exceeds the benefit of having to acquire this information in that particular fashion. Is not everyone on board with that?
The tentacles of this story are plentiful, but most of them will not grace the front pages of the nations leading newspapers or the mainstream media news organizations.
Democrats. No, democrats and an alarming amount of republicans. No. While progressives are using this opportunity to blast Christie's potential clash with Clinton, calling his actions reprehensible, the have a blind eye to the actions President Obama, which make the bridge lanes closures look like failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign.
Obama administration scandals such as Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS targeting of conservative groups, the manipulation of economic data, NSA data collection programs and politicizing the Department of Justice are considered completely within the realm sensible political action by his progressive supporters on both sides. Have any of the above scandalous incidents been adequately investigated with any conclusions drawn? Why? Obama has said he will get to the bottom of each of these issues save the economic data, but has gave us nothing but lies, now at least verified regarding Benghazi.
What Bridgegate and the above referenced Obama administration scandals have in common is the abuse of power. As Rush Limbaugh pointed out, "whether Governor Christie or President Obama were personally aware of the abuses perpetrated on their behalves is irrelevant. On some level, they set a tone in their administrations that signaled that such hardball would be tolerated," that a culture had been established of get your enemies."
Members of Christie's staff did just that with the lane closures, drawing appropriate scorn. But, where is the public scorn for President Obama, who told his political operatives not to bring a knife to a gun fight. In addition, Obama he told supporters to "punish our enemies". His top advisor Valerie Jarrett, was clearer in commentary; “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time,” warned Valerie Jarrett, Mr. Obama’s longtime senior adviser. “Everyone not with us is against us, and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay.”
One should keep in mind, by the way, that those "against them" are American citizens her boss was elected to serve.
While the actions associated with Bridegate fail miserably to challenge those of the Obama administration, one thing is crystal clear; progressives who view government as the answer to all the problems have no problem utilizing governmental levers upon the citizenry, no matter the encroachment on liberty and freedom, as you are insignificant to their reign of power.
This is called tyranny, as appropriately pointed out in a recent column by Dr. Milton Wolf in the Washington Post.
Glenn Beck further examines the similarities between Christie and Obama, which may come as quite a stunner to many. Take a listen:
With no lane closures impacting travel plans, the media continues to travel down all the wrong avenues. Focused on 2016, they intentionally hide the real story you should be considering in an effort to keep you from being able to adequately consider what is taking place.
Many look the other way if is one of "their" team members, apparently losing proper perspective. Certainly, a 2016 Christie administration would be much more preferable than a 2016 Clinton administration in my estimation for thousands of reasons. But, Bridgegate shows Christie is a big government politician, who thinks government, rather than the people, are in charge, and I do not have issue calling him out just because he, like me, is a republican.
Those who aim to keep the power away from the people think these actions are reasonable political operations. They are members of the ruling class, who seek to tinker with the Constitution tranferring power from the poeple to political opeartives who deem they are more qualifed and educated to make decisions for the citizenry. Those of us who embrace the founding fathers, the rule of law and the power of the people, should recognize that these are not individuals who should be given the opportunity to serve the public.
This applies to the 2014 mid terms, not just the presidential election 2016. Does anybody care?
While early on Christie had exhibited such promise, it has become increasingly clear that Christie, while certainly preferable to Hillary Clinton in a 2016 presidential campaign, is not someone who should be placed in the position to represent the republican party in 2016; or at least the republican party once commanded by Ronaldus Magnus.
Christie has found himself at the center point of a ever increasing scandal involving members of staff closing several lanes of the George Washington bridge, a very heavily traveled bridge connecting New Jersey with Manhattan. The drive by media cannot get enough of the story, as they see it damaging to who they view as the main challenger to a Hillary Clinton nomination in 2016.
Gov. Christie has denied any knowledge of the actions of his staff members, noting he was heartbroken and "disturbed by the tone and behavior and attitude" from those long time associates within his staff. It is exactly that culture, which no doubt houses Christie himself, that is troubling.
At least Christie, in a news conference, accepted responsibility for the debacle, asked forgiveness from the citizenry and sought to be received by the mayor Fort Lee, a Christie critic, to apologize, which he was in what was described as a cordial meeting. Fort Lee, by the way, is not some relay station along the Hudson, but rather a major business area, home in fact to the operations of CNBC.
Christie had previously said the bridge lane closures were part of a traffic study. So, if we got this straight, because the government needs information, easily gathered through a handful of means, lane closures causing untold discomfort, losses in time and wages, and potentially interfering with law enforcement and ambulance activities was deemed necessary.
Rather than noting the lane closures as part of this potential study, had I been the Governor of New Jersey, it would seem obvious the pain inflicted upon the citizenry far exceeds the benefit of having to acquire this information in that particular fashion. Is not everyone on board with that?
The tentacles of this story are plentiful, but most of them will not grace the front pages of the nations leading newspapers or the mainstream media news organizations.
Obama administration scandals such as Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS targeting of conservative groups, the manipulation of economic data, NSA data collection programs and politicizing the Department of Justice are considered completely within the realm sensible political action by his progressive supporters on both sides. Have any of the above scandalous incidents been adequately investigated with any conclusions drawn? Why? Obama has said he will get to the bottom of each of these issues save the economic data, but has gave us nothing but lies, now at least verified regarding Benghazi.
What Bridgegate and the above referenced Obama administration scandals have in common is the abuse of power. As Rush Limbaugh pointed out, "whether Governor Christie or President Obama were personally aware of the abuses perpetrated on their behalves is irrelevant. On some level, they set a tone in their administrations that signaled that such hardball would be tolerated," that a culture had been established of get your enemies."
Members of Christie's staff did just that with the lane closures, drawing appropriate scorn. But, where is the public scorn for President Obama, who told his political operatives not to bring a knife to a gun fight. In addition, Obama he told supporters to "punish our enemies". His top advisor Valerie Jarrett, was clearer in commentary; “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time,” warned Valerie Jarrett, Mr. Obama’s longtime senior adviser. “Everyone not with us is against us, and they better be ready because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded, the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay.”
One should keep in mind, by the way, that those "against them" are American citizens her boss was elected to serve.
While the actions associated with Bridegate fail miserably to challenge those of the Obama administration, one thing is crystal clear; progressives who view government as the answer to all the problems have no problem utilizing governmental levers upon the citizenry, no matter the encroachment on liberty and freedom, as you are insignificant to their reign of power.
This is called tyranny, as appropriately pointed out in a recent column by Dr. Milton Wolf in the Washington Post.
Glenn Beck further examines the similarities between Christie and Obama, which may come as quite a stunner to many. Take a listen:
With no lane closures impacting travel plans, the media continues to travel down all the wrong avenues. Focused on 2016, they intentionally hide the real story you should be considering in an effort to keep you from being able to adequately consider what is taking place.
Many look the other way if is one of "their" team members, apparently losing proper perspective. Certainly, a 2016 Christie administration would be much more preferable than a 2016 Clinton administration in my estimation for thousands of reasons. But, Bridgegate shows Christie is a big government politician, who thinks government, rather than the people, are in charge, and I do not have issue calling him out just because he, like me, is a republican.
Those who aim to keep the power away from the people think these actions are reasonable political operations. They are members of the ruling class, who seek to tinker with the Constitution tranferring power from the poeple to political opeartives who deem they are more qualifed and educated to make decisions for the citizenry. Those of us who embrace the founding fathers, the rule of law and the power of the people, should recognize that these are not individuals who should be given the opportunity to serve the public.
This applies to the 2014 mid terms, not just the presidential election 2016. Does anybody care?
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Is There Gold In The Hills
Procuring physical gold seems to be a rather problematic and time-consuming
While most of America was fully immersed in the Christmas holiday, Glenn Beck and his team noted a troubling story presented on the fantastic financial website Zero Hedge.
The story centers around a request from the German government to repatriate portions of their gold reserves held in America by The FED. There are many tentacles to this story, which would leave many of my readers deep in the weeds, but the story itself from Zero Hedge offers a strong overview of the situation, complete with opportunities to seek additional depth on the story. Please see the Zero Hedge blogpost HERE.
There are seemingly logical reasons for the retrieval of physical gold to issue plagued. Perhaps foremost on the list is covered at the end of the Zero Hedge piece, in that China and India are hoarding physical gold. An overview of the reasons behind this demand shines a spotlight on the real elephant in the room.
Meet the theory of hypothecation.
David Buckner joined Glenn Beck back a year or so ago to effort to explain hypothecation in what most would consider English. Please take a listen:
In reflecting on the Christmas season, the wonderful Frank Capra movie Its A Wonderful Life comes to mind when attempting to provide a basic overview of hypothecation.
The Bailey Building and Loan Association, of which the central character George Bailey was the president, engaged in mortgage lending, lending out portions of monetary deposits to qualified buyers in an affordable housing project. Provided the association retained proper reserve requirements without commingling funds, this was a quite ordinary and profitable enterprise for such a loan association. Failure to adhere to regulatory banking laws would appropriately lead to fraud likely commensurate with incarceration upon conviction.
Enter The Federal Reserve. The FED, as the holder of the physical gold, may lend to banks, and others, utilizing the gold as collateral, provided the depositors have consented to such an agreement. An agreement in this regard would certainly have reserve requirements, although the FED, not being a public company and a quasi-governmental firm, has no regulatory requirement to publicly release terms of such agreements or asset balances.
Back to the request by Germany to obtain portions of their physical gold deposits from The FED. The Zero Hedge piece noted the agreed upon amount of the first batch to be delivered was short, and Germany noted it was not the same gold initially deposited, as it was marked.
Why was did The FED short the batch size, and why were the gold bars not the original ones deposited? Glenn Beck asks some legitimate questions about the batch and potential reasons for the alteration of the originally deposited gold bars, and the conclusions drawn are hair on fire troubling.
Has The FED deviated from common banking guidelines with respect to collateral requirements of gold reserves? Does The FED actually possess the physical gold? Are adequate reserves in place to accommodate the subsequent levels of hypothecation?
Where would these reserves be if not in the possession of The FED. The financial crisis of 2008 was the greatest theft in history, and we still wonder who got all the loot.
If the gold is not possessed by The FED, given gold the position gold holds as the cornerstone of finance, the result would be catastrophic for everyone, and global collapse would be imminent.
Even Mr. Drysdale won't be able to fix this.
While most of America was fully immersed in the Christmas holiday, Glenn Beck and his team noted a troubling story presented on the fantastic financial website Zero Hedge.
The story centers around a request from the German government to repatriate portions of their gold reserves held in America by The FED. There are many tentacles to this story, which would leave many of my readers deep in the weeds, but the story itself from Zero Hedge offers a strong overview of the situation, complete with opportunities to seek additional depth on the story. Please see the Zero Hedge blogpost HERE.
There are seemingly logical reasons for the retrieval of physical gold to issue plagued. Perhaps foremost on the list is covered at the end of the Zero Hedge piece, in that China and India are hoarding physical gold. An overview of the reasons behind this demand shines a spotlight on the real elephant in the room.
Meet the theory of hypothecation.
David Buckner joined Glenn Beck back a year or so ago to effort to explain hypothecation in what most would consider English. Please take a listen:
In reflecting on the Christmas season, the wonderful Frank Capra movie Its A Wonderful Life comes to mind when attempting to provide a basic overview of hypothecation.
The Bailey Building and Loan Association, of which the central character George Bailey was the president, engaged in mortgage lending, lending out portions of monetary deposits to qualified buyers in an affordable housing project. Provided the association retained proper reserve requirements without commingling funds, this was a quite ordinary and profitable enterprise for such a loan association. Failure to adhere to regulatory banking laws would appropriately lead to fraud likely commensurate with incarceration upon conviction.
Enter The Federal Reserve. The FED, as the holder of the physical gold, may lend to banks, and others, utilizing the gold as collateral, provided the depositors have consented to such an agreement. An agreement in this regard would certainly have reserve requirements, although the FED, not being a public company and a quasi-governmental firm, has no regulatory requirement to publicly release terms of such agreements or asset balances.
Back to the request by Germany to obtain portions of their physical gold deposits from The FED. The Zero Hedge piece noted the agreed upon amount of the first batch to be delivered was short, and Germany noted it was not the same gold initially deposited, as it was marked.
Why was did The FED short the batch size, and why were the gold bars not the original ones deposited? Glenn Beck asks some legitimate questions about the batch and potential reasons for the alteration of the originally deposited gold bars, and the conclusions drawn are hair on fire troubling.
Has The FED deviated from common banking guidelines with respect to collateral requirements of gold reserves? Does The FED actually possess the physical gold? Are adequate reserves in place to accommodate the subsequent levels of hypothecation?
Where would these reserves be if not in the possession of The FED. The financial crisis of 2008 was the greatest theft in history, and we still wonder who got all the loot.
If the gold is not possessed by The FED, given gold the position gold holds as the cornerstone of finance, the result would be catastrophic for everyone, and global collapse would be imminent.
Even Mr. Drysdale won't be able to fix this.
David Buckner,
Glenn Beck,
Dangerous Loonies On The Path
A Heroes Welcome.
New Years Day, when most of sane America is enjoying a day of watching college football bowl games, an attorney convicted of conspiring to defraud the United States and providing material support to terrorist activities was released from jail under a "compassionate release" policy.
Lynne Stewart, who aided Omar Abdel-Rahman, otherwise known as The Blind Sheik, should be considered an enemy of The United States of America should rot in hell for despicable behavior. The Blind Sheik, who participated in the orchestration of the first bombing of The World Trade Center, is among the most dangerous terrorist masterminds in the world, and any individual assisting him in the implementation of his terror tentacles should be incarcerated under our laws and should not fall under any criteria for release.
On FOX News The Kelly File, Megyn Kelly and Debra Burlingame, whose brother, a pilot of one of the hijacked airlines on 9-11, discusses the loathsome Stewart. Take a listen:
Americans killed in the World Trade Center bombings, and our brave troops fighting terrorism world wide, receive no compassion from those who aim harm on the US, inclusive of Stewart.
FOX News Megyn Kelly engages in a discussion with Jay Sekulow, from the American Center for Law and Justice regarding this most unfortunate turn of events.
It is of immense concern that President Obama, by standing firm behind the actions of his Attorney General Eric Holder, would sanction by proxy the release of individuals who seek to harm the United States in such a grand scale.
However, it should not come as a shock to anyone who recognizes where Obama and his administration stand on the place America holds in the world, his disdain for our military and his embrace of those who have long histories of being counted among our enemies. Obama has considered the release of the Blind Sheik as a good faith gesture toward Iran.
I take another approach, first advanced by President George W. Bush in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, an evil and horrendous terror attack against the United States perpetrated by those attorney Lynne Stewart was found guilty of being in conspiracy with.
You are either with us, or you are against us.
A Heroes Welcome?
Among those obviously against us, (the United States) are those who welcomed and cheered the release of Stewart and participated in welcoming her back to freedom. Who are these idiots? Are these individuals this misguided or do they represent and ever expanding group of citizens who can be appropriately categorized as enemies within.
Notice is served.
While tens of millions cheered through HD Television and in stadiums nationwide LSU defeating Iowa and Nebraska upsetting Georgia on New Years Day, a collective group an America opponents welcomed the release of a high profile individual convicted in a court of law of assisting a terrorist mastermind in his effort to coordinate the death and destruction of not only the American way of life, but her citizens as well.
It is time we stand up against these folks in effort to transform our country into a globalist anti-America collection of troublemakers who disrespect our the rights of our citizens and the laws that govern our nation, from the passive trivial cult controlled by the infliction of pleasure to elected officials operating outside the Constitution.
The loonies on the path are expanding, and this is presenting grave danger to the future of America.
New Years Day, when most of sane America is enjoying a day of watching college football bowl games, an attorney convicted of conspiring to defraud the United States and providing material support to terrorist activities was released from jail under a "compassionate release" policy.
Lynne Stewart, who aided Omar Abdel-Rahman, otherwise known as The Blind Sheik, should be considered an enemy of The United States of America should rot in hell for despicable behavior. The Blind Sheik, who participated in the orchestration of the first bombing of The World Trade Center, is among the most dangerous terrorist masterminds in the world, and any individual assisting him in the implementation of his terror tentacles should be incarcerated under our laws and should not fall under any criteria for release.
On FOX News The Kelly File, Megyn Kelly and Debra Burlingame, whose brother, a pilot of one of the hijacked airlines on 9-11, discusses the loathsome Stewart. Take a listen:
Americans killed in the World Trade Center bombings, and our brave troops fighting terrorism world wide, receive no compassion from those who aim harm on the US, inclusive of Stewart.
FOX News Megyn Kelly engages in a discussion with Jay Sekulow, from the American Center for Law and Justice regarding this most unfortunate turn of events.
It is of immense concern that President Obama, by standing firm behind the actions of his Attorney General Eric Holder, would sanction by proxy the release of individuals who seek to harm the United States in such a grand scale.
However, it should not come as a shock to anyone who recognizes where Obama and his administration stand on the place America holds in the world, his disdain for our military and his embrace of those who have long histories of being counted among our enemies. Obama has considered the release of the Blind Sheik as a good faith gesture toward Iran.
I take another approach, first advanced by President George W. Bush in the immediate aftermath of 9-11, an evil and horrendous terror attack against the United States perpetrated by those attorney Lynne Stewart was found guilty of being in conspiracy with.
You are either with us, or you are against us.
A Heroes Welcome?
Among those obviously against us, (the United States) are those who welcomed and cheered the release of Stewart and participated in welcoming her back to freedom. Who are these idiots? Are these individuals this misguided or do they represent and ever expanding group of citizens who can be appropriately categorized as enemies within.
Notice is served.
While tens of millions cheered through HD Television and in stadiums nationwide LSU defeating Iowa and Nebraska upsetting Georgia on New Years Day, a collective group an America opponents welcomed the release of a high profile individual convicted in a court of law of assisting a terrorist mastermind in his effort to coordinate the death and destruction of not only the American way of life, but her citizens as well.
It is time we stand up against these folks in effort to transform our country into a globalist anti-America collection of troublemakers who disrespect our the rights of our citizens and the laws that govern our nation, from the passive trivial cult controlled by the infliction of pleasure to elected officials operating outside the Constitution.
The loonies on the path are expanding, and this is presenting grave danger to the future of America.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
The Color & Pageantry Top 25
College Football
Final 2013 Top 25
1. Florida State, 14-0, 1
2. Auburn, 12-2, 2
3. Michigan State, 13-1, 6
4. South Carolina, 11-2, 7
5. Missouri, 12-2, 4
6. Oklahoma, 11-2, 12
7. Clemson, 11-2, 9
8. Alabama, 11-2, 3
9. Oregon, 11-2, 11
10. Stanford, 11-3, 5
11. Louisiana State, 10-3, 10
12. Central Florida, 12-1, 17
13. Ohio State, 12-2, 13
14. Baylor, 11-2, 8
15. Oklahoma State, 10-3, 14
16. UCLA, 10-3, 15
17. Louisville, 12-1, 18
18. Texas A&M, 9-4, 20
19. Wisconsin, 9-4, 19
20. Duke, 10-4, 21
21. Southern Cal, 9-4, NR
22. Notre Dame, 9-4, 24
23. Washington, 9-4, NR
24. Nebraska, 9-4, NR
25. Arizona State, 10-4, 16
OUT: Miami (22), Iowa (24) and Georgia (25)
VOTES: Vanderbilt, Iowa, Texas Tech, North Carolina, Kansas State, Ole Miss, Texas, Georgia, Arizona, North Dakota State and Miami.
Please find our analysis on the final BCS National Championship from Pasadena HERE. For a great read about the entire experience, please the following post from SBNATION.
Colorado State roared from behind to take out Washington State in a most entertaining contest with Ram running back Kapri Bibbs running wild.......USC flexed some serious muscle, unlike last seasons lackluster performance in getting spanked by Ga.Tech, to smash up and coming Fresno State and heralded signal caller Derek Carr......San Diego State proved much to much for Buffalo.....The NO Superdome was almost full as Lafayette took out Tulane...Frank Solich and his Ohio Bobcats played strong but were overmatched by East Carolina, a game I actually watched most of at work on the wonderful WatchESPN....Oregon State easily disposed of Boise State, whose starting quarterback missed the game due to an unusual infraction....Pitt ran wild on Bowling Green, signaling issues for the MAC....Those issues of concern were warranted as Utah State won in controlling fashion over Jordan Lynch and Northern Illinois......Maryland lost to Marshall, but few recognize Marshall as the pretty good team they are....Minnesota had a very good year, with a home victory over Nebraska, but got dumped by Syracuse, who FSU beat 59-3 in November.....Washington defeated a sound BYU squad, and the Huskies are one of the best four loss teams out there....Notre Dame took out Rutgers in Yankee Stadium, a game much of Central Florida missed due to cable outage and notable for astute actions by ESPN analyst Jesse Palmer, who saved Chris Fowler from choking......North Carolina, seemingly for years, appears on the brink of becoming a major, but after a 1-5 start, doubt remained but the Tar Heels finished strong, blasting Cincinnati setting a catalyst for a decent 2014....Louisville destroyed Miami, with the Canes looking lethargic and uninterested, signaling a coaching alarm for me.....Even though Michigan had to play a reserve quarterback, Kansas State got them covered in every phase of the game, and Brady Hoke will begin to feel heat in his seat......Navy overwhelmed Middle Tennessee.....Ole Miss won a hard fought game against Georgia Tech....In the final game Mack Brown coached at Texas due to having been ousted, Oregon blasted the 'Horns, who are not what they used to be by any stretch....Texas Tech blasted Arizona State, who came in playing god football, and one must wonder the potential for the Red Raiders....In a game featuring two of the nations top running backs, KaDeem Carey and Andre Williams, Arizona bombed Boston College....UCLA, on the verge of becoming a solid top ten team, blasted Virginia Tech, who fielded an unusually poor team in 2013.....Mississippi State blasted a decent Rice squad, and eyes a bright future....Duke jumped all over A&M, scoring the first five times they had the ball, but behind the magical efforts of 2012 Heisman winner Johnny Manziel, the Aggies came back to win a 52-48 contest.....See analysis of Nebraska's Gator Bowl win over Georgia HERE......North Texas bombed UNLV, and why this was a Jan 1 game is highly questionable.....Iowa played tough, but could not get past LSU, even with a backup signal caller....South Carolina beat Wisconsin in the Capital One Bowl in beautiful downtown Orlando.....Michigan State came back to win a game of defensive strength against Stanford at the Rose Bowl......Baylor came in high flying, but upstart UCF, who won at Louisville and Penn State losing a tight home game to South Carolina after leading 10-0 at the half, jumped all over Baylor to easily win the Fiesta Bowl, a most significant milestone in the history of UCF, playing ball only since 1979 and seemingly cementing a brighter future....In stunning fashion, Oklahoma threw up 45 points in trashing the vaunted Alabama defense and disposing of the Crimson Tide, sending shock waves across the football landscape, and also a big win for the Sooners, who have been short on those in recent years.....Missouri outlasted Oklahoma State in a clash of former Big 8 rivals, a great y ear for the Tigers....Clemson beat Ohio State in the Orange Bowl giving the Tigers a much needed significant win after a somewhat disappointing 2013....After jumping out to a 24-0 lead, Vanderbilt held on to beat Houston for a second 9 win season in a row....Arkansas State used a brilliant fake punt to beat Ball State and Florida State beat Auburn 34-31 to win the 2013 National Championship at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena.
It has been a most exciting season, and as a very proud alumni of The Florida State University, I congratulate the Seminoles; Undefeated and Unconquered, for daring to be great and achieving excellence. Job well done!
222 days to kickoff!
Final 2013 Top 25
1. Florida State, 14-0, 1
2. Auburn, 12-2, 2
3. Michigan State, 13-1, 6
4. South Carolina, 11-2, 7
5. Missouri, 12-2, 4
6. Oklahoma, 11-2, 12
7. Clemson, 11-2, 9
8. Alabama, 11-2, 3
9. Oregon, 11-2, 11
10. Stanford, 11-3, 5
11. Louisiana State, 10-3, 10
12. Central Florida, 12-1, 17
13. Ohio State, 12-2, 13
14. Baylor, 11-2, 8
15. Oklahoma State, 10-3, 14
16. UCLA, 10-3, 15
17. Louisville, 12-1, 18
18. Texas A&M, 9-4, 20
19. Wisconsin, 9-4, 19
20. Duke, 10-4, 21
21. Southern Cal, 9-4, NR
22. Notre Dame, 9-4, 24
23. Washington, 9-4, NR
24. Nebraska, 9-4, NR
25. Arizona State, 10-4, 16
OUT: Miami (22), Iowa (24) and Georgia (25)
VOTES: Vanderbilt, Iowa, Texas Tech, North Carolina, Kansas State, Ole Miss, Texas, Georgia, Arizona, North Dakota State and Miami.
Please find our analysis on the final BCS National Championship from Pasadena HERE. For a great read about the entire experience, please the following post from SBNATION.
Colorado State roared from behind to take out Washington State in a most entertaining contest with Ram running back Kapri Bibbs running wild.......USC flexed some serious muscle, unlike last seasons lackluster performance in getting spanked by Ga.Tech, to smash up and coming Fresno State and heralded signal caller Derek Carr......San Diego State proved much to much for Buffalo.....The NO Superdome was almost full as Lafayette took out Tulane...Frank Solich and his Ohio Bobcats played strong but were overmatched by East Carolina, a game I actually watched most of at work on the wonderful WatchESPN....Oregon State easily disposed of Boise State, whose starting quarterback missed the game due to an unusual infraction....Pitt ran wild on Bowling Green, signaling issues for the MAC....Those issues of concern were warranted as Utah State won in controlling fashion over Jordan Lynch and Northern Illinois......Maryland lost to Marshall, but few recognize Marshall as the pretty good team they are....Minnesota had a very good year, with a home victory over Nebraska, but got dumped by Syracuse, who FSU beat 59-3 in November.....Washington defeated a sound BYU squad, and the Huskies are one of the best four loss teams out there....Notre Dame took out Rutgers in Yankee Stadium, a game much of Central Florida missed due to cable outage and notable for astute actions by ESPN analyst Jesse Palmer, who saved Chris Fowler from choking......North Carolina, seemingly for years, appears on the brink of becoming a major, but after a 1-5 start, doubt remained but the Tar Heels finished strong, blasting Cincinnati setting a catalyst for a decent 2014....Louisville destroyed Miami, with the Canes looking lethargic and uninterested, signaling a coaching alarm for me.....Even though Michigan had to play a reserve quarterback, Kansas State got them covered in every phase of the game, and Brady Hoke will begin to feel heat in his seat......Navy overwhelmed Middle Tennessee.....Ole Miss won a hard fought game against Georgia Tech....In the final game Mack Brown coached at Texas due to having been ousted, Oregon blasted the 'Horns, who are not what they used to be by any stretch....Texas Tech blasted Arizona State, who came in playing god football, and one must wonder the potential for the Red Raiders....In a game featuring two of the nations top running backs, KaDeem Carey and Andre Williams, Arizona bombed Boston College....UCLA, on the verge of becoming a solid top ten team, blasted Virginia Tech, who fielded an unusually poor team in 2013.....Mississippi State blasted a decent Rice squad, and eyes a bright future....Duke jumped all over A&M, scoring the first five times they had the ball, but behind the magical efforts of 2012 Heisman winner Johnny Manziel, the Aggies came back to win a 52-48 contest.....See analysis of Nebraska's Gator Bowl win over Georgia HERE......North Texas bombed UNLV, and why this was a Jan 1 game is highly questionable.....Iowa played tough, but could not get past LSU, even with a backup signal caller....South Carolina beat Wisconsin in the Capital One Bowl in beautiful downtown Orlando.....Michigan State came back to win a game of defensive strength against Stanford at the Rose Bowl......Baylor came in high flying, but upstart UCF, who won at Louisville and Penn State losing a tight home game to South Carolina after leading 10-0 at the half, jumped all over Baylor to easily win the Fiesta Bowl, a most significant milestone in the history of UCF, playing ball only since 1979 and seemingly cementing a brighter future....In stunning fashion, Oklahoma threw up 45 points in trashing the vaunted Alabama defense and disposing of the Crimson Tide, sending shock waves across the football landscape, and also a big win for the Sooners, who have been short on those in recent years.....Missouri outlasted Oklahoma State in a clash of former Big 8 rivals, a great y ear for the Tigers....Clemson beat Ohio State in the Orange Bowl giving the Tigers a much needed significant win after a somewhat disappointing 2013....After jumping out to a 24-0 lead, Vanderbilt held on to beat Houston for a second 9 win season in a row....Arkansas State used a brilliant fake punt to beat Ball State and Florida State beat Auburn 34-31 to win the 2013 National Championship at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena.
It has been a most exciting season, and as a very proud alumni of The Florida State University, I congratulate the Seminoles; Undefeated and Unconquered, for daring to be great and achieving excellence. Job well done!
2013 BCS & National Champion Florida State Seminoles |
222 days to kickoff!
Controlled Destiny
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Florida State Seminoles 2013 BCS Champions |
The smart money was placed on FSU, and with good reason, as the Seminoles ran roughshod over each of their opponents, scoring a minimum of 37 points in each game and winning by an average of over 40 points per contest, which included an eye popping 51-14 win in a clash of unbeatens at Clemson, who ended the season as Orange Bowl Champions.
However, the public embraced a perceived team of destiny in the SEC Champion Auburn Tigers, who had dethroned defending champion Alabama along the way. Auburn started out slowly, but really became a force after the offense of new head coach Gus Malzan took hold and confidence built. Then, there was the fact that the SEC, the nations premier conference, by far, had won seven consecutive BCS titles, with Alabama or Auburn winning the previous three.
After FSU took the opening drive, with alarming difficulty, down for a field goal, Auburn took charge, announcing they had come to seal their fate of destiny. Although the Tigers failed to own the line of scrimmage, they did a wonderful job of mixing the run and pass to puzzle the Seminoles, particularly with mid range passes in the middle of the field to post three scores.
Additionally, Auburn confused FSU's Heisman Trophy winning quarterback Jameis Winston, with the FSU starting slow for the third consecutive game. While it does not jump out at you on the stat sheet, the Tigers punting game pinned Florida State deep on a number of occasions, forcing the Seminoles to start drives deep in their own territory, which exponentially increases the difficulty in scoring.
Florida State continued to fight, grabbing a touchdown just before the half to close the deficit to 21-10. However, after receiving the second half kick, FSU gained nothing and had to punt. But the Seminole defense stuffed the Tigers in the third period.
Leading 21-13 to begin the fourth period, Auburn quarterback Nick Marshall, who had played brilliantly, forced a pass which was picked off by FSU cornerback PJ Williams, giving FSU a badly needed break. The Seminoles responded, cutting the lead to 21-20. A potential opportunity to go for two was nullified by a mind boggling unsportsmanlike penalty on FSU running back Devonta Freeman.
The Tigers responded by scoring a field goal to take a 24-20 lead. However, freshman Lavonte Whitfield, a world class printer from Orlando Jones HS, sprinted 100 yards for a touchdown on the ensuing kickoff to give FSU its first lead in moons, 27-24.
Auburn came to win, and trailing after the kick return, the Tigers mounted a very impressive drive, capped off by a thundering 37 touchdown run by tailback Tre Mason, a Heisman finalist who ran for 195 yards on the evening. The Tigers were ahead 31-27, with 1:19 to play.
Jamies Winston went to work, hitting a few short passes, before connecting with Rashad Greene, who split two defenders a raced 49 yards downfield to give the Seminoles the file position to get the win. As the degree of difficulty rose, Auburn was hit with a legitimate pass interference penalty giving FSU a first down and goal. Winston then hit Kelvin Benjamin over the middle for a touchdown, giving the Seminoles a 34-31 lead.
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Kelvin Benjamin catches winning score from Jamies Winston PHOTO/USA TODAY |
The Tigers would not.
Florida State took control of destiny on the beautiful evening at the Rose Bowl, winning the 2013 BCS National Championship.
It seemed fitting, with FSU having lost to an SEC team in Tennessee in the first BCS Championship, to win the last BCS Championship against an SEC team in Auburn.
This game was emotionally tasking for the Seminole faithful. FSU played tight much of the game, Winston was erratic and the receivers dropped a number of passes. FSU was the victim of many penalties and non penalties and decisively lost the field position battle. A poor punt with even worse coverage set up one Tiger score, while a Winston fumble set up another. Auburn effectively victimized the FSU defense with mid range passes, and took it to the Seminoles in the line of scrimmage.
Auburn was completely as advertised, a very strong team clicking on all cylinders. However, in the end, Florida State made the plays that were needed to win the game, including driving the field in less just over a minute for the winning score. Winston hit nine of last ten passes to close the game.
FSU Coach Jimbo Fisher PHOTO/CBS Sports |
Job well done!
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Fixin To Find Out
Monday night, the Florida State Seminoles will attempt to win their third national championship, and their first for head coach Jimbo Fisher, with a win over the Auburn Tigers.
The previous two titles were won under the leadership of famed head coach Bobby Bowden, in 1993 and 1999.
Coach Bowden took in practice today in Pasadena and weighed in on aspects of the game, the team and relived some history.
Wonderful to see Coach Bowden out there, and there is no doubt FSU would not find itself in this position without Bowden having laid the substantial groundwork in the formation of our top level football program. This includes bringing Jimbo Fisher to the staff during his tenure.
Will FSU win it all Monday night? As Coach Bowden would say, we are fixin to find out!
The previous two titles were won under the leadership of famed head coach Bobby Bowden, in 1993 and 1999.
Coach Bowden took in practice today in Pasadena and weighed in on aspects of the game, the team and relived some history.
Wonderful to see Coach Bowden out there, and there is no doubt FSU would not find itself in this position without Bowden having laid the substantial groundwork in the formation of our top level football program. This includes bringing Jimbo Fisher to the staff during his tenure.
Will FSU win it all Monday night? As Coach Bowden would say, we are fixin to find out!
Saturday, January 4, 2014
All Bark; No Bite
The Nebraska Cornhuskers had by all accounts a difficult season in 2013.
Injuries took a major toll with losing All Big Ten quarterback Taylor Martinez for the season a few weeks in, along with All America guard Spencer Long halfway through. A young defensive unit failed to jell throughout most of the season, and the fundamental principle of protecting the football remained elusive for the Big Red. Calls were made for changes of the coaching staff, including head coach Bo Pelini.
After a inexcusable home loss to Iowa to close the season, the Cornhuskers were invited to the TaxSlayer.com Gator Bowl to face the Georgia Bulldogs, themselves injury stricken in 2013, for a rematch of the 2013 Capital One Bowl in Orlando, which the Bulldogs won late 45-31.
The game seemed a downer for both squads given expectations, but Jacksonville, provides a festive atmosphere and a great environment for bowling teams and their fan base, although much closer in proximity for the traveling Junkyard Dawgs.
The weather was suspect, about 55 degrees with intermittent rain showers, and the crowd was very light. That did not stop us from participating in all the fanfare, inclusive of hanging out with the Husker cheer squad hours before kickoff.
Although Georgia was without senior quarterback Aaron Murray, among others, the Bulldogs did have back almost healthy running back Todd Gurley, who has a Sunday career in front of him. In addition, most felt the Bulldogs had superior talent and should win the game by about 10 points.
But the Cornhuskers seemed in control right from the beginning, with strong running from Ameer Abdullah and sound decision making from freshman quarterback Tommy Armstrong II. After almost fumbling deep in Big Red territory, which would have been game changing, Armstrong II dropped back and found Qunicy Enunwa on a 99 yard touchdown pass, which was ultimately the game winner.
Nebraska held Georgia late, stopping them on downs in the red zone to preserve the victory as Nebraska defeated Georgia 24-19, a win that saw the Bulldogs manage only one touchdown. Kicking field goals will get you beat, as Mark Richt and Georgia found out.
It was a strong effort for the Big Red, enhanced by winning the turnover battle, one in which Nebraska usually fails miserably at. Given the wet field conditions, this was extremely important.
This was a much needed win for seemingly embattled coach Bo Pelini, and those within the Big Red program. For a young team, this win offers a cornerstone to build upon entering 2014, where continued improvement can lead to an opportunity to win the conference title and perhaps challenge for national honors.
Although it was wet and cold, it was a great experience to be there to see Nebraska break a string of bowl losses dating back to defeating Clemson on the same field on January, 1, 2009. Much of football is mental, from the coaches to the players, and this game gave the Big Red a glimpse of what can be possible, playing and defeating a top team from the SEC, perceived to be the best.
Nebraska finishes the season 9-4. Preparation for the 2014 can begin with an advantage in mentality, a visualization of success that help a young team aim for and reach higher goals. With a mental advantage, sometimes the bark of your opponent does not match their bite.
Injuries took a major toll with losing All Big Ten quarterback Taylor Martinez for the season a few weeks in, along with All America guard Spencer Long halfway through. A young defensive unit failed to jell throughout most of the season, and the fundamental principle of protecting the football remained elusive for the Big Red. Calls were made for changes of the coaching staff, including head coach Bo Pelini.
After a inexcusable home loss to Iowa to close the season, the Cornhuskers were invited to the TaxSlayer.com Gator Bowl to face the Georgia Bulldogs, themselves injury stricken in 2013, for a rematch of the 2013 Capital One Bowl in Orlando, which the Bulldogs won late 45-31.
The game seemed a downer for both squads given expectations, but Jacksonville, provides a festive atmosphere and a great environment for bowling teams and their fan base, although much closer in proximity for the traveling Junkyard Dawgs.
The weather was suspect, about 55 degrees with intermittent rain showers, and the crowd was very light. That did not stop us from participating in all the fanfare, inclusive of hanging out with the Husker cheer squad hours before kickoff.
Pre-Game Husker Cheer Pep Rally |
But the Cornhuskers seemed in control right from the beginning, with strong running from Ameer Abdullah and sound decision making from freshman quarterback Tommy Armstrong II. After almost fumbling deep in Big Red territory, which would have been game changing, Armstrong II dropped back and found Qunicy Enunwa on a 99 yard touchdown pass, which was ultimately the game winner.
Nebraska held Georgia late, stopping them on downs in the red zone to preserve the victory as Nebraska defeated Georgia 24-19, a win that saw the Bulldogs manage only one touchdown. Kicking field goals will get you beat, as Mark Richt and Georgia found out.
It was a strong effort for the Big Red, enhanced by winning the turnover battle, one in which Nebraska usually fails miserably at. Given the wet field conditions, this was extremely important.
This was a much needed win for seemingly embattled coach Bo Pelini, and those within the Big Red program. For a young team, this win offers a cornerstone to build upon entering 2014, where continued improvement can lead to an opportunity to win the conference title and perhaps challenge for national honors.
Although it was wet and cold, it was a great experience to be there to see Nebraska break a string of bowl losses dating back to defeating Clemson on the same field on January, 1, 2009. Much of football is mental, from the coaches to the players, and this game gave the Big Red a glimpse of what can be possible, playing and defeating a top team from the SEC, perceived to be the best.
Nebraska finishes the season 9-4. Preparation for the 2014 can begin with an advantage in mentality, a visualization of success that help a young team aim for and reach higher goals. With a mental advantage, sometimes the bark of your opponent does not match their bite.
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