Monday, November 3, 2014

Smoke Out Charlatan Crist

"It seems many good men lose their soul when they become a high powered politician. Seemingly consumed with power, a sadly large contingency of these individuals relegate any previously subscribed to principles to the recycle bin".

That is how a recent post, titled Sorry Charlie, about Charlie Crist, the former GOP Florida governor, who without a significant pivot point, changed course to become the best friend of Barack Obama and Joe Biden and is now running again for governor of Florida as a Democrat, began.

Crist, a charlatan to be sure, is in a battle with current republican governor Rick Scott, who although a mediocre candidate at best, has actually done a pretty fair job in his first term.

This is not lost on Crist, so he has attached himself to a vehicle to help him slip past Scott, a Florida Constitutional Amendment (2) to allow the medical use of marijuana for individuals with debilitating diseases. Pull on the heart strings, but behind the scenes, there is much more than meets the eye.

With Crist removed from public office by having been defeated for the US Senate in Florida by Marco Rubio, Crist went to work for high powered Orlando based attorney John Morgan, a progressive Democrat who has hosted fundraisers at his Winter Park home for Democrats, inclusive of President Obama.

Morgan, whose law firm slogan is For The People, is the leading statewide advocate for the passage of Amendment 2. Morgan was down in Polk County recently and spoke to a crowd of Amendment 2 supporters, where he addressed the crowd.  Take a listen:


Marijuana can indeed help individuals with debilitating diseases, and the avenue for those folks to get the necessary legal drugs to help them should be placed on the fast track.  But, if you take the temperature of the crowd Morgan is addressing, you quickly recognize those folks are not in attendance. These are low information useful idiots, and people I would decline to be associated with.

Those who are in attendance are those who want pot legalized so they can smoke it till their hearts content, seemingly oblivious to the pain and suffering the bill is advertised to be attempting to help.

Reports have Morgan having bought up tracts of land in Florida to have a hand in growing marijuana should the amendment pass.  Although, given his high level advocacy, Morgan should disclose this if true. but otherwise, this is America.  Hope he has connections at the local permitting offices.

Crist is all in with Morgan, who is among the strongest financial backers of the Crist campaign.

Crist tells us Floridians he will wake up every day thinking how he can help the working families of the state.
We don't need or want his help.  We want government out of the way, with their interaction with the public limited.  Crist does not find the citizenry capable of functioning efficiently without him.

Crist once claimed to be a Reagan republican, a champion of limited government.  Now he is a Democrat, where he champions government having a visible and invisible hand in the commerce of the people.

If Crist is in fact a Democrat, and not an opportunist candidate without principle available to the highest bidder, he should look to John F. Kennedy, who asked the citizenry to not seek what the government can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

For me, that is to encourage individual freedom and liberty, something Crist thinks is better dealt out by elected official rather than earned by hard working Americans.

As Thomas Jefferson said, “I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”- “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

Should we continue to elect politicians without principle, like Charlie Crist, we will bring about what Jefferson feared; a democracy which will cease to exist.

RICK SCOTT for Governor of Florida! Lets Keep Working!

1 comment:

toomuchat1 said...

nice article.
you can also read the Hurricane Insurance Claims article from the website