Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Thwart The Tyrannical President

On election Tuesday a few weeks back, the policies of President Barack Obama, each and everyone of them, were on the ballot. President Obama himself said it, seemingly in a taunt to the GOP, an in reality, the voters he holds in such deep disdain.  The policies, Every single one of them!

The voters, who over the last decade have seemingly been acting out a conclusion drawn by Aldous Huxley in his novel Brave New World where he claims the electorate would be engulfed in a sea of irrelevance, appeared to have gained friction to hand President Obama a resounding defeat seen rarely in the last century.

There are those who thought this bitter defeat would force Obama to move toward the center and work with the GOP to achieve the desires of the electorate.  They do not know him, his goals, his narcissism and his deep rooted goal of transforming (his word), destroying (my word) this great nation.

Rush Limbaugh is rarely speechless, but the comments by Sen. Mitch McConnell in response to the defiance of President Obama gave him cottonmouth.  "The president continues to send signals that he has no intention of moving toward the middle", said McConnell.

If this is a harbinger of the complete lack of understanding by the GOP, presumably our only avenue of hope against our tyrannical leader, of the extremely serious state of Constitutional crisis our nation is in, we are in the deep depths of trouble.

Obama did not listen to the message the voters sent; he could care less. Obama said he heard those who did not vote, taken over by his narcissism, knowing that those non-voters were in support of him and his policies.

Until the Obama presidency is over, our nation is in great peril. Although presenting rhetoric to the contrary, Obama has always governed against the consent of the governed.  Obamacare, a historically significant piece of legislation, was passed after several deals were cut without one republican vote.  Although many knew at the time and sang from the mountain tops, we have come to learn the American people were deceived and lied to about the real aspects of the plan, and most notably, the costs.  You Lie!

Obama will now mash the gas pedal to implement his objectives by any means necessary, championing the mantra presented by one of his mentors, Saul Alinsky.  Obama does not care if the constitution is violated, laws are broken or the voters are deceived, as long as he gets what he thinks he needs to get done.

The main items Obama will attempt to push through will dramatically change our nation, and not for the better if you seek individual freedom and prosperity. In fact, they will usher in chaos, another Alinsky objective.

It began with a deal Obama recently struck on Climate Change with China.  We will seek to reduce dramatically our greenhouse gas output over the next decade while China, the worlds largest polluter, will attempt to begin efforts in this regard in 2025.  Are you kidding me?  This deal is so backwards, even you Democrats should be able to decipher this is not about the weather, pollution or our possibly changing climate patterns. It is about control over the citizenry, perhaps eventually under the governance of The United Nations.

Obama will seek to achieve Net Neutrality, which is nothing more than an avenue to regulate free speech and silence political opponents.  For evidence, seek to get familiar with Obama adviser Mark Lloyd, who greatly admires the effort of Venezuela in this regard.  Net Neutrality should be parked.

Obama will seek to allow amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants and their immediate families, who would be set to receive immediate access to welfare and other public benefits. Although this is portrayed to be an economic plus, the huge influx of low skilled workers diminishes skilled labor wages, the working families Obama and every democrat claim to get up every morning  to help. Obama knows this; however, he does not convey the truth to you, unless you read his book. In reality, it is about crashing the system, a dream of the disciples of The Cloward and Piven Strategy. While Obamacare can be chipped away, amnesty is irreversible.

It is time to man up!

This is not about an election, or republicans versus democrats. This is about our very system of governance. Obama stated it prior to being elected in 2008, when he spoke of viewing the Constitution as an imperfect charter of negative liberties, saying what the federal government can't do to you, but it doesn't say what the federal government can or should do on your behalf.  That is a far cry from the John F. Kennedy inaugural speech, where he asked not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

Radio talk show host Mark Levin, The Great One, brilliantly states the high stakes involved and our intolerance of feckless republicans who seem all to eager to join the democrats at the spigot of power, placing more value on their positions in the ruling class rather than defending the Constitution. Hear his epic rant, via The Right Scoop, HERE.

This fight is indeed about defending the republic.  Nothing should rate at a higher level of importance as Obama seeks to seize constitutional power from the United States Congress. Through any and every legally permissible action, this encroachment on our system of government by an imperial and tyrannical president must be thwarted.

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