Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pelosi Pontificates

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, responding to President Bush lifting the executive order to prohibit drilling in the outer continental shelf (OTS), offers that the President is a "total failure".

Talk about the pot calling kettle! Her tenure as Speaker may well go down in history as least productive in history. While hearings have been taking place to put on a public spectacle of the oil executives, the Pelosi led congress has offered nothing in terms of realistic solutions, has blocked efforts to drill, failed to support the clearance of permitted drilling, bemoaned speculators and dismissed promising efforts, like ANWR. She recently penned a letter to Bush urging him to release portions of the strategic reserve, a naive and dangerous idea given the geopolitical turmoil we currently find ourselves engaged in. Former Speaker Gingrich, a private citizen, has far eclipsed Pelosi in efforts to find solutions.

She claims Bush has lost all credibility on the war ( very strong performance if you ask me), the economy (none of these problems are at his feet) and energy (He was tardy in calling you out for sure).

Other issues plaguing her, not withstanding the food service which went private after squandering millions of our dollars, center around the party of corruption, her party. The House Banking committee is of immediate concern. Chuck Schumer ignites a run on a bank from his careless at best media relations, Christopher Dodd is overseeing a bailout of the subprime crisis in which he got a preferred loan and is consulting with the parent of that company in crafting the legislation. You just want to pull the hair out of your head and set yourself on fire.

For her to chastise President Bush given her complete incompetence is mind boggling. She should be embarrassed, and if she had any dignity, should resign. A deadline is looming on September 30 to extend the congressional ban on the OTS. At that time , watch her fold as her weakness will be on display.

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