Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama Skirting the Truth: ACORN

In repeated efforts to distance himself from the radical left wing organization ACORN, who at present is being investigated in a dozen states for committing voter fraud, Barack Obama maintains his stance that he was only involved with them at a minimal level over a decade ago.

ACORN is a left wing radical activist group of community activists, which aside from the pending issues with respect to voter fraud, is a major player in the housing crisis we find ourselves involved in at present. Barack Obama represented ACORN as an attorney threatening legal action against banks who, in the mind of ACORN, perhaps were racist in denying loans to potential home buyers who could not otherwise qualify. Shakedown anyone?

Is Obama not heavily influenced by this unethical, fraudulent and criminal organization? I say so, and here is some video for your review:

Seems like if Obama is elected, ACORN will be helping shape policy, which cannot be good. Please see Capm's Blog for further information on this troubling subject.

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