As Joe the Plumber became famous across the country, media outlets and the Obama campaign set out to discredit Joe, investigating his personal history, which is shameful. Most Americans feel the distribution of wealth policy Obama aspires to implement is socialistic, although Obama vehemently disagrees with that assertion. I got a news flash for you; it is. This has not gone over well with most sensible thinking Americans, of which many are "Joe the Plumbers". Meet Joe as he sits down with Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes on FOX News Hannity & Colmes.
In fact, I am Joe the Plumber! Check me out pictured below wrestling a toilet this afternoon in the bathroom of a one of my rental units I am remodeling. We have just completed the tile in the tub set.
Barack Obama wants to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire and then raise taxes on individuals who make over $250,000K (many individuals have corporations which make over $250,000K which get filed on their personal tax returns). He also wants to raise the capital gains tax! I can assure you I do not get up every morning to go bust my ass mowing yards, wrestling toilets, painting and cleaning up vacated rental units to have Obama take my hard earned money and distribute it where he sees fit in an effort to "spread the wealth". For that type of Revolution, you can count me out!
Should he win and my taxes go up, in an effort to protect my profit margin I worked so hard to obtain, the additional tax burden will promptly be passed along to the folks who can least afford it. In the case of my rental properties, that would be the tenants.
Trickle down economics at its finest. How is that for Obamanomics!
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