Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Losing Control

The characteristics of a bear market dictate that most every stock is hit and the investing public, if not the public in general, feel sick to their stomach. At this time, savvy investors are making a list of potential equities to buy when a new bull market emerges. It will, and I am pouring through Investors Business Daily searching for a handful of candidates.

What is making me sick is the political pontification by a series of idiots (Congress), and of far greater concern is the attempts at using this economic crisis as an opportunity for government to seize additional power.

Glenn Beck revisited with Amity Shlaes, author of The Forgotten Man on the Great Depression. She details how governmental intervention, as usual, created more problems.

The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.--Ronald Reagan

Not having a full grip on the magnitude of the economic crisis, I conclude it is unfortunately possible some governmental intervention is required. If a Bill is passed, limit the intervention to that and DO NOT throw earmarks and donations to pimping political organizations like ACORN in it. It will be my pleasure to hold you all responsible at the voting booth!

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