Monday, October 27, 2008

Free Speech Attacked

After a local television reporter dared to ask the Obama-Biden campaign some tough but legitimate questions, the ABC News affiliate has been placed on probation, no longer able to have access to the campaign until after the election.

First, some background. WFTV Channel 9 is my local ABC affiliate here in lovely downtown Orlando. Although they have some decent personnel, Eye-missed-it-news is like most other local news stations. If it bleeds it leads, they frequently break into programming, yes unfortunately during third down and five, to report about a sunshower in some two light town just on the fringe of their coverage area because they are there for us and would not know a county commission meeting if it broke out in their parking lot, and it almost does due to proximity.

But longtime professional reporter Barbara West connected on a three run homer with this Biden interview, daring to tread where most of the mainstream media would not consider. Excellent job Barbara!! Take a listen.

Without question, these are legitimate questions and should not have caused such a stir given the recent encounter Obama had with Joe the Plumber. But beyond the obvious, the real troubling aspect is how Obama is treating reporters and stations which dare to challenge him. Can you say fairness doctrine?

Media analyst Bernard Goldberg, formerly of CBS News, weighs in on the subject on FOX News Fox & Friends. Bernie calls it like he sees it.

Can you imagine if George W. Bush banned the media that challenged him? Remember the uproar when it was incorrectly thought Gen. Colin Powell cut short a NBC interview on Meet The Press with Tim Russert?

The arrogance of Obama and Biden is staggering. Although odds strongly favor this is an example of how a potential Obama administration will deal with those against them, one can only hope it is not. America will change dramatically should Obama get elected, and I think all you zombies will not quite like what is in store for you down the road should it happen. Censorship of the media by quiting the opposition, would be among the first nails in the coffin of the America we once knew.

Wake Up America!!!!!!!!!!

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