Thursday, July 8, 2010

Defeat NYC Islamic Mega Mosque

In the shadow of the fallen Twin Towers at The World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan, efforts are underway to build a 13 story Islamic Mosque, or cultural center.

Certainly, we are a country that proudly embraces freedom. However, there are several reasons, ranging from the shady associations of the leader of the mosque and alarming questions about the financing, that this project should not move forward.

In addition, the site appears to be a historical landmark and to add insult to injury, once completed the center is scheduled to open on September 11, 2011.

For reasons I cannot comprehend, there seems to be a political correct wave crashing down on New York City as support for the construction of the mosque is heavily supported by the political leaders in the area, from NYC Mayor Micheal Bloomberg (I) to NY gubernatorial candidate Andrew Cuomo (D) down to the city commission. Gubernatorial candidate Rick Lazio (R) is against the mega mosque.

An political ad, which was deemed to controversial to be ran by the mainstream news media (?) is presented for your review:

Blogger and columnist Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs has been all over this story, and as she accurately points out, this project is moving forward at warp speed.

Time is of the essence, so we can't come out to play today. We must thwart the politically correct movement to not only expedite the construction of the mega mosque, but to stop it all together.

You can express your thoughts directly to NYC Mayor Micheal Bloomberg at:

FAX (212) 788-8123

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