I find this extremely troubling, and the following piece from Acts 17 Apologetics heightens my already elevated concern. Take a listen:
Here is more on the subject as FOX News Sean Hannity interviews Robert Spencer of JIHADWATCH.ORG and Debra Burlingame of 9-11 Families for a Safe & Strong America, whose brother was the pilot of the hijacked American Airlines flight 77 which crashed into the Pentagon.
With the City Commission strongly supporting to mosque, there are only a few avenues left to stop the construction: the site being designated a historical landmark or illegalities with the funding of the mosque. Although there is a loud cry to investigate the funding, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg called such an investigation un-American.
I am beyond outraged. Like many Americans, I took 9-11 personally and not a day goes by I don't think about the terror brought on our country on that day. The following picture I took on December 9, 2001 and as you can see, we have portions of the Twin Towers still smoldering.

The Landmark Commission meets on July 13, 2010 at 2PM EST at the corner of Lexington and 68th. The time is now to be heard. Exhibit discipline, but question with boldness.
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