Graham takes positions most conservatives usually hate, and just when you are ready to throw him overboard, he comes out in strong support of a conservative position. In reality, however, Graham is a progressive I would toss right on out of office as he fails to understand what the principles of the Republican party are.
Here are a few instances of Lindsey Grahamnesty, as Rush Limbaugh so aptly refers to him, pontificating in error in the article.
“The problem with the Tea Party, I think it’s just unsustainable because they can never come up with a coherent vision for governing the country. It will die out.” As a tea party patriot, I can tell you we do have a coherent vision for America, and that is LIMITED GOVERNMENT!
“Everything I’m doing now in terms of talking about climate, talking about immigration, talking about Gitmo is completely opposite of where the Tea Party movement’s at,” said Graham. Indeed! Climate change, or global warming, is simply a vehicle for the global transfer of wealth which Conservatives are vehemently against, including the cap and trade legislation you joined the Democrats in crafting. Furthermore, Club Gitmo is a terrific place to house the terrorists plotting to kill us.
“We don’t have a lot of Reagan-type leaders in our party. Remember Ronald Reagan Democrats? I want a Republican that can attract Democrats.”quipped Graham. No we do not, and that is central to the problem as most of the current bunch do not adhere to the principles outlined by Reagan.
“Ronald Reagan would have a hard time getting elected as a Republican today.” In actual fact, America is searching here to yonder for a Reaganesque leader, one who respects our founding fathers and loves America and the sacrifice and history of our great nation.
Per the article, Graham has commented that Obama is "a good role model" and "an American just as much as anybody else". I certainly do not view the chain smoking Obama as a good role model and can think of no political leader of my lifetime who has shown more anti-American actions and commentary than Obama.
The Times also says his greater transgression, however, has been his willingness — even eagerness — to seek common ground with Democrats. The Democratic party, which has been hijacked by the progressives, is attempting to socialize our capitalist nation, and any progressive Republican like Lindsey Graham assisting them in this effort is an opponent of all conservatives.
The citizens of America, Reagan Democrats and conservative Republicans alike, have had quite enough of the progressives and their assault on America. As such, Graham represents the individuals the tea party patriots despise.
Hopefully,the Senator from South Carolina might have some Presidential aspirations. I would be happy to consider the potential Presidency of Jim Demint.
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