Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Racial Disturbance Used as Political Pawn

With the overreaching and thugocratic Obama administration going down in flames, there is nothing left for them to do but race over to their base and start a high octane fire. It has begun, and reaching a new level of evil, the excellerant is to toss out a straw man regarding race relations.

Recall back to the voter intimidation that took place on election day in Philadelphia. Roll the tape:

Unless you are blind as a billiby goat, it cannot be any clearer that this is voter intimidation by members of The New Black Panther Party, which is illegal as all get out. It should be illegal and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law as the right of our citizenry to cast a ballot free from external influence is central to the foundation of our republic.

Prior to President Obama taking office, the Department of Justice under President George W. Bush, initiated a case against the two folks in the video. Astonishingly, after winning the case, the DOJ under Obama Attorney General Eric Holder failed to pursue the case with any vigor and now has essentially dropped the charges.

In an explosive interview with FOX News Megyn Kelly, former DOJ employee J. Christian Adams, now claims a racial component is behind a decision to all but drop the charges and that there is a new, troubling policy at the DOJ under Obama and Holder.

Holder, who is by the far the most radical AG in our countries history in my opinion, essentially let these two racists of the hook. Racists, you ask? More video:

And come to find out, this was an orchestrated event and the organizers have obviously gotten the wink wink from The White House that this behavior is acceptable. In addition, they find it funny.

The New Black Panther Party seems to closely resembles a black version of The Klu Klux Klan. Both groups are a bunch of ignorant idiots that preach hate and advocate violence. I am vehemently opposed to both of them.

Although the DOJ is quite busy, suing states, antagonizing police forces and spending every waking hour working on the Gulf Course, you would think they would certainly want penalize activists blatantly exhibiting in voter intimidation would you not? You would be wrong. But why? Is President Obama associated with this group? Did I have to ask that? Glenn Beck was wondering as well:

If did not know better, I would come to the conclusion the administration is creating chaos in race relations in an effort to further gain their progressive political footing. Certainly, outside of the lunatic fringe, members of both parties would be strongly opposed to such policy. That just cannot be happening, can it?

Oh no, just when you think it was a grand illusion, Megyn Kelly got hold of Democratic political strategist Kirsten Powers. This is not pretty. Megyn is, but the interview is not, for Ms. Powers.

I have long concluded the administration is a bunch of thugs, and from the taking over of private companies to forcing health insurance down the throat of the public, the evidence supporting that position is extensive.

If however, the administration is attempting to create chaos in the form of disturbing racial harmony for political gain, it is nothing short of evil and the prompt removal of this President from office should be engaged.

If true, Martin Luther King, who preached about racial equality stressing non violence, would be ashamed. To think the change King fought and died for is now being used as a political pawn is most disturbing. God help us!

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