While this may sound great to most Americans, and it is, it appears America will be given an unexpected choice to perhaps guide the future of our nation. I fear many Americans will tend to be comfortable with this potential candidate, with many thinking this is who they wanted in the first place. That person is Hillary Clinton, and the narrative is already being placed out for public consumption. Remember how America supposedly thinks Hillary is most qualified to be President?
I am going to illustrate to you that should she be elected, most of the policies Obama championed will be continued or enacted and America as you once knew it will be gone forever.
Of note, although they both admire and subscribe to the teachings of Saul Alinsky, there are political differences between Obama and Clinton. Obama subscribes to the black liberation theology, where governmental control through mechanisms like heath care initiates wealth redistribution not only as a vehicle toward socialism but to act as a form of reparations, having the oppressors give back what they supposedly stole. Hillary is simply behind wealth distribution as a tenant of socialism, control and global governance.
First, it must be emphasized that Hillary Clinton is a Progressive, and you may recall her adamantly stating that in on of the 2008 Democratic Debates.
Secondly, evidence suggests she is part of a radical clique under the direction of billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros that seeks to impelment a socialist structure and undermine American power and exceptionalism. This was outlined in a book by David Horowitz and Richard Poe called The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party. Front Page magazine interviewed author Richard Poe, who offered extensive details on the subject.

According to the book, although Clinton was not directly associated with the Shadow Party group, she is closely tied to Soros and his organizations. For example, John Podesta, chief of staff to Bill Clinton, is the president of The Center for American Progress.
What can we learn from Hillary herself about the direction she would be taking America if she were in charge. We can look no further than her speech at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in Kyiv on June 2, 2010:
It’s important, too, that we look at how to promote broadly-based prosperity. One of the problems in societies around the world today is that too much of the productivity of the economies are going to too few. Too few people, the political and economic elite, are realizing the vast majority of benefits from economic activity. It’s true in my own country where, unfortunately, economic inequality is increasing. And it’s true in Ukraine. It’s true in Europe and Asia and Africa and South America. So part of the challenge of economic growth and prosperity is to make sure it gets down and equally spread among people. And we have to work towards spurring investment and long-term growth in Ukraine. And we have to work together to end corruption in both the public and the private sectors.
Certainly, that statement about the redistribution of wealth speaks volumes and gives strong indication Clinton subscribes to the current redistributive policies Obama is enacting.
Obviously, there was a large contingent of support for Hillary Clinton in 2088. Given the epic failure of President Obama, smelling blood and running out of years, I think there is a strong possibility Hillary challenges Obama.
Given the abysmal behavior of our news media, there is likely to be an overwhelming group of moderate, independent voters who may think Hillary is who represents them and allows for them to right the wrong of electing Obama, win one for the women and support the candidate many of them think they wanted in the first place.
If this should occur, these voters will be burned again as the policies implemented by President Obama will be expanded upon as the socialistic movement of the Progressives will cement their spot in the American fabric and life as our parents Democrats, and us, once knew may be gone forever.
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