Why they concern themselves with someone whom they proclaim as an idiot at large is beyond me.
Anyhow, Palin really spun their top with a supposed error in comments she made about Paul Revere, he of the midnight wild ride fame. The glee streaming across the left wing media sites over her comments on Revere, even those outside the Soros umbrella, was astonishing.
Turns out, before the laughter even subsided, she was actually correct. This certainly caught those clamoring for some fun times of Palin bashing, including the bunch over at NPR, off guard.
The media are embarrassing, and their death is imminent. While the major networks are in the bag for the left, most heavily sponsored by George Soros, new media leaders are in rapid ascension, in Andrew Briebart's network of websites and of course, Glenn Beck, who recently launched "The Blaze" and GBTV.
My call is that Palin found a topic she could bait the media on to allow them to make fools of themselves, which they did in stunning fashion. Therefore, in considering a run in 2012, Palin has measured the appetite of the media in targeting her and at the same time further discredited them for once again allowing their cancerous bias to misrepresent the events of the day.
Should she run in 2012, this incident will offer her unlimited ammunition against those mediates who have the knives out for her.
A brilliant move for Sarah the Barracuda!
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