Goolsbee is the latest member of the Obama Economic Dream Team to jump ship, and with good reason. While, from old sparring on The Kudlow Report, we may conclude Goolsbee is a cut above the likes of Jared Bernstein, the efforts and policies of this inept group has created bleak economic numbers not seen since the Great Depression. How any member of this team has any credibility is mind boggling.

Martin Feldstein wrote in the Wall Street Journal that the situation is much worse than you are led to believe by the complicit media. Michelle Malkin calls this group egghead economic saboteurs.

Martin Feldstein wrote in the Wall Street Journal that the situation is much worse than you are led to believe by the complicit media. Michelle Malkin calls this group egghead economic saboteurs.
This is nothing short of a tragedy. The playbook for escaping serious economic downturns has already been written and implemented, and you need not be an old wise man to recall.
Former Reagan Assistant Labor Secretary Al Angrisani speaks with CNBC's Brian Sullivan and discusses the differences between what Reagan had going after two years, which consisted of 8% GDP growth, and what this band of socialists have cooked up now.
The results are tragic, particularly if you are among those unemployed, underemployed or God forbid in your elder years on fixed income with this group essentially stealing money from you.
The results are tragic, particularly if you are among those unemployed, underemployed or God forbid in your elder years on fixed income with this group essentially stealing money from you.
I recommend you run to the voting booth in 2012, for if we do not turn this around in a hair on fire hurry, we could lapse into what Reagan described as 100 years of darkness.
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