Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Marco Market Magic

Florida Senator Marco Rubio sat down with CNBC's Larry Kudlow to discuss the direction of our country, and the pro growth message to lead our country back into a position of economic global leaderships speaks volumes.

Rubio recognizes job creation and a return to pro-growth free market principles are the roadmap to recovery. Meanwhile, Rubio is correct in noting the current administration is smothering small business and job creators with excessive regulation and taxation, understanding the simple but rock solid merits of the Laffer Curve.

America can get back on the right track, embracing a comprehensive energy policy and contracting entitlements while lowering taxes and loosening the regulatory arm of the government. A step in that direction is the debate on raising the debt ceiling. Rubio is on board with Reagan, that government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem.

Kudlow noted there are few people more articulate than the gifted Senator Rubio in the promotion of a strong pro-growth message. Rubio is right in stating the future of America is bright if we follow him on the path to prosperity. Leading the way on what has the look of a magic carpet ride to 1600 in a decade or so is Rubio.

Steve Moore of The Wall Street Journal is already on board! Rock On!

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