I have been asked for some thoughts on the field, so much like the folks over at Political Derby, I'll handicap the field in order of my preference, not who I think will be the nominee or who would be able to win.
Contrary to the mainstream media, this is a strong field and each of the candidates would be far superior to Obama. So would Foghorn Leghorn, Heath Barkley or Jim Rockford.
1. Michele Bachmann--- Unlike Obama, she would lead from the front, not the rear. Bachmann is former federal tax attorney, real estate investor and Congressional leader of the Tea Party. Bachmann is a friend to free markets and well recognizes the motives of Obama's oppression.
2. Rick Santorum---Santorum got trounced in his home state by speaking the truth nobody wanted to hear. Santorum is clear about the threat of Islamic terrorism and is sound across the board.
3. Herman Cain---A strong business background without having held public office is a major plus given the antics we commonly see in DC. The former Godfathers Pizza CEO's line of attack in solving our nations lengthy issues resonates, and his experience at the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank under Thomas Hoening cover the ever so important financial angle.
4. Mitt Romney---The establishment choice, Romney should really have won in 2008. Few can match his business experience, and the former governor knows how to govern. There is lot to like with Romney, and he can no doubt win if he gets there. He does have big issues, however, with respect to Romenycare and global warming.
5. Tim Pawlenty---Pawlenty is nothing if not solid. He well could be the last guy standing and has demonstrated his ability to govern and make measureable progress in a blue state. Pawlenty also has global warming issues, and a flirtation with some Sharia law tolerance.
6. Newt Gingrich---Newt is well described as an idea factory and knows government better than most. For all his intelligence, he departs often from the Reagan principles he claims to hold dear. Attacking the Ryan Roadmap and supporting a progressive lefty in NY 23 come to mind, not to mention a global warming commercial with Nancy Pelosi.
7. Ron Paul---While everyone was snickering at him in 2008, he turned out to be correct on a slew of items. Paul has the FED figured out, and is a leading mouthpiece on the damage monetizing the debt is doing to our country. Paul is outside the box on many other issues, relegating him to remaining a horse fly on the back of overspending progressives on both side of the isle.
Sarah Palin seems content to sit 2012 out, comfortable in hammering Obama at very turn. Rick Perry looks like he is about to jump in, and although he tends to govern left of his campaign rhetoric, he has the border issue in his back pocket to hammer Obama on. If in, both would immediately contend with Bachmann for the top spot.
Jon Huntsman jumped in Tuesday, announcing from New Jersey with the backdrop of the Statue of Liberty in similar fashion to when Reagan announced in 1980. Hunstman once called Obama a remarkable leader. Thank you for coming.
The media loves Huntsman, thus informing the GOP of who to pick to lose in 2012. Huntsman also declared he will pick up where John McCain left off in defeat in conducting a civil campaign.
In his brilliance, Rush Limbaugh spent much of the day Tuesday hammering Huntsman, and much of the other GOP candidates, for listening to consultants who think it would be damaging to attack Obama personally, only his policies. For all those who think this is Reaganesque, Limbaugh took us back to 1980 to hear Reagan blast Jimmy Carter.
America hangs in the balance. Grab the Reagan playbook and run with it and make Obama a one term President. Hit Barack Obama square in the jaw from every unguarded agnle, from his associations to his treatment of our allies to his utter failure in economic principles to his arrogance in operating outside the Congress. In fact, just quote Reagan and replace Carter with Obama and go with throttle up! The time is now. Right now!
America hangs in the balance. Grab the Reagan playbook and run with it and make Obama a one term President. Hit Barack Obama square in the jaw from every unguarded agnle, from his associations to his treatment of our allies to his utter failure in economic principles to his arrogance in operating outside the Congress. In fact, just quote Reagan and replace Carter with Obama and go with throttle up! The time is now. Right now!
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