Both Pelosi and Winer are frauds.
Remember the little nerd in your high school who constantly ran his mouth and seemed to always be cruisin for a brusin? Enter Weiner, who arrogantly ran his trap incessantly.
Weiner utilized his position to engage in attack of enemies of the left, and the example of him publicly berating and holding Congressional hearings on FOX News Glenn Beck his sponsorship relationship with Goldline. Unemployment is through the roof, and this is what Weiner is up to when he is not tweeting his harem. Keep in mind, Weiner is a progressive who thinks he can make responsible decisions for you better than you can.
It is bad enough that as a sitting Congressman, with the country seemingly on fire, Weiner acted in this fashion and put himself in position to be blackmailed by nefarious enemies of the US, but he spent the better part of a week lying to colleagues, the news media, the American people and it appears his family.
While the so called mainstream media is asleep at the switch, it is actual newsmen like Briebart who break stories and function as the watchdogs of our out of control government. Weiner, in fact, singled out Andrew Breibart as the individual who supposedly "hacked" his Twitter account. Like most everything coming out of Weiner's pie hole, that is a lie.
Incredibly, it is Briebart getting hammered the mainstream media, with The Daily Kos leading much of the Soros media in the attack. The vicious attacks do not end with Weiner. The San Francisco Chronicle questioned whether Briebart is a gay guy in the closet?
Prior to Weiner's scheduled news conference Monday, where he lied yet again, Briebart had enough and highjacked the podium seeking vindication.
Those not attacking Briebart are swing a big stick in support of the Congressman. Formerly respected Barbara Walters lamented that if Sarah Palin could go out on a bus tour promoting America, then Weiner could "get away with this and remain a US Congressman." Rather than Weiner being a scumbag, Walters said today that perhaps it was Viagra that caused his actions. Both Weiner and Walters are idiots.
From the moment I heard of the upcoming news conference, I knew this arrogant blow hard would not resign. Democrats rarely if ever do, as pointed out by Gateway Pundit.
I suspect Weiner may have legal troubles which lie ahead which could lead him to resign. At any rate, his teeth are removed. With Weiner effectively silenced, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the leader of the Progressive hit squad, and she thinks Weinergate is no big deal. Go figure!
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