Saturday, June 18, 2011

There You Have It

New Jersey is broke, and Christie is well on his way to fixing the problem. Forgetting that the left, in the aftermath of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, called for reigning in divisive rhetoric, a union officer for AFSCME spent last weekend in Trenton labeling the Governor Adolph Christie. Equating austerity with exterminating people could possibly be a new low for the left, but if you closely behind the curtain, you will find many Mao following Communists.

Gail, a concerned citizen of the Garden State, speaks for many in attacking New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. She got both barrels back. Take a listen:

Although the debate is much larger, the teachers unions have found a sympathetic vehicle in teachers to promote the fight for their union activity and a move toward socialism. Workers of the world unite!

Millions of dollars are annually poured teaching, with results that are mediocre at best. Certainly, there are many public school systems doing a good job, but in aggregate they are inefficient and bleed cash. But, it is all about the kids, who are our future, and most everyone wants the best educational experience possible for these youngsters. Or so you would think.

The National Educators Association, who fights for teacher rights and fair compensation, would certainly be engaged in promoting school systems which create an environment of increasing scholastic achievement for each and every student. Maybe not!

For the NEA, it is about power, and the money. Much of the money is spent promoting progressive Democrats in our political system run amok, who are actually attempting to undermind the capitalist system.

Christie is right on target with the measures he is taking in New Jersey. Soon, as the balance sheet improves, those in Garden State will know who to thank. Once that job is complete, perhaps Christie can take his act on the road to clean up another mess, which I hope will begin its own cleansing in about 16 months.

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