Thursday, April 26, 2012

Good Versus Evil: Occupy Unmasked

Fresh from another Tea Party in lovely downtown Orlando with a couple thousand fellow Patriots, I am reminded of the vast differences between Tea Party Patriots and the Occupy Wall Street crowd.

One group is quite civil, with the aim of reducing debt, promoting limited government, embracing the principles of our Founding Fathers and championing the the best path to prosperity, free market capitalism.

The other, a well financed collection of useful idiots and professional left wing provocateurs, who have associations with global entities who aim for the destruction of the United States of America.

With the mainstream media, and idiotic governmental Representatives blatantly distorting the truths behind these groups, it may not seem clear cut for those hard working Americans, who don't have time to truth check the media, to ascertain where the truth lies. Well, there is the obvious level of decorum of conduct exhibited.

For those that think the Occupy protesters have occupied a job in the rapidly growing economy we have been informed we have, you would be quite mistaken. In fact, look for this group to embark on an increased level of protest and civil disobedience far exceeding the trial run from last year. Efforts by this group to re-create '68, and it is much of the same people orchestrating the events, will disrupt many of lives over the summer.

Therefore, it is important for America to gain an understanding of exactly who these people are, and what their nefarious objectives area. While avenues of the written word exists, most notably a new book by Buck Sexton, Citizens United will premiere a movie event this summer titled Occupy Unmasked. Here is the trailer:

Stephen Bannon and David Bossie do a fine job in assembling the players, and it is quite stunning to learn for those who are on the outside looking in. Knowledge is power, and adequately vetting the players from President Obama down to the camper urinating on the police cruiser, is vital as we engage in battle to reclaim prosperity, rule of law and freedom for the United States of America.

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