Certainly, the journalistic standards of the mainstream media have totally collapsed, rendering these media outlets dead and buried, and any semblance of truth, vacated. An recent example of this can be found in recent articles declaring the Tea party, who utilized a high level of decorum in opposition to government spending to the 2010 mid terms, as dead.
ABC News and
The Washington Post could be named as leaders in the reporting of this false narrative.
As it turns out, on a gorgeous sun splashed afternoon in Orlando on April 15, a Tea Party event took place with some 3000 patriots taking time out of valuable weekend time to stand in protest of excessive spending and the attack on the Constitution by the Obama regime.
Bud Hedinger, of
540 WFLA, emceed the event which had a slew of strong speakers. Florida Governor Rick Scott was the headline, and he gave us a quarter hour of his implementation of sound economic theory he placed into practice, which has resulted in a decreasing unemployment rate and job creation.

KCarl Smith of the
Frederick Douglass Republicans gave a passionate speech regarding the state of race politics, where the African American community just blindly vote Democrat. Smith purports that
Frederick Douglass is the key to turning this mindset, and perhaps our countries future, around. I found tremendous merit in his message, which will expanded upon further in a later blog post.

Unfortunately, as the final speaker of the event, some missed a golden opportunity to hear commentary by
Trevor Loudon, author of the book
Barack Obama and the Enemies Within, and purveyor of The New Zeal blog. Loudon, a New Zealander, is a walking encyclopedia on the Obama regime and their nefarious associations, including strong ties to the Communist Party.
Loudons Key-Wiki is an awesome tool in assembling the players and their associations, which are lengthy. Many Americans can't seem to grasp, and maybe they just can't face how easily they were duped, the type of individual elected to our highest office.
It was a great afternoon of patriotism and education for one and all, as the time to sit on the sidelines has long past as never in our lifetime have we faced such tyranny. While the media may be dead, the Tea Party is very much alive and kicking.
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