Monday, April 9, 2012

Doubting Thomas

America is awaiting word from The Supreme Court regarding the Affordable Care Act, otherwise know as Obamacare. The announcement is scheduled to be forthcoming in June.

Last week, President Obama launched what could not be mistaken as anything other than an attack on The Supreme Court and their validity, sparking outrage across the political spectrum and signaling odds of him being tipped off to the result. Of course, with the overwhelming stench of arrogance surrounding Obama, it is often hard to tell where he is at.

I think Obama was tipped off that the SCOTUS will be overturning the Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional, which, to use Obama phraseology, most historical scholars and Constitutional law professors find it to be. If so, Obama, who will have spent most all of his first two years working to get this passed while the economy of the country is in a downward spiral, did all this work on something unconstitutional, something given his background, he might have known.

For sure, Obama knew all about it. Obamacare is not about providing you and your Grandma health care, but rather gaining sizable control over your behavior. Familiar with Cass Sunstein are you? But voters will not appreciate Obama wasting time on this freedom snatching legislation governing against the will of the people, and therefore, ahead of the election Obama feels he must discredit the Supremes to blame them for taking way the "right" of health care from the people.

With the attack on the Supremes by Obama last week, it has begun.

My sources inform that Justice Thomas will write the opinion, and somehow the administration must agree. Seemingly on cue, out of nowhere, comes Obama surrogates to discredit Judge Thomas. Enter Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who emerged over the weekend to hammer his usual targets, Caucasians, Wall Street and America. However, Justice Thomas was included in this tirade, and the reason behind that is that he must singularly, outside of the court itself, be discredited since he will author the ruling.

These are the tactics of a community organizer, lessons learned well as a disciple of Saul Alinsky and his rules for radicals. Ridicule opponents, marginalize them and achieve your desired outcome by any means necessary, with morality a non issue.

You could say that it is sad our President has stooped to these levels, but you have not been paying attention. Obama has operated this way from the beginning, with two examples being uncalled for slap downs Of John McCain and Paul Ryan; behavior not becoming the President.

Attacks on the Supremes, and Judge Clarence Thomas, will continue, so be advised. Don't doubt me, or Judge Thomas, for that matter.

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