In recent weeks, seemingly in desperation although his arrogance would suggest otherwise, President Obama has attacked anybody and everybody, save the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama attacked the Catholic Church, oil companies and has verbally assaulted many of the precious pillars of our government. With the media complicit in his back pocket, Obama has hammered Congress in slamming Rep. Ryan (R:WI) and his efforts at avoiding a catastrophic debt crisis and the blatant verbal intimidation of the Supreme Court of the United States.
There is complete disregard for the check and balances our system has built in. When the President fails to achieve goals legislatively, his unelected Czars implement policy through organizations like the EPA and HHS, where the actions operate without close scrutiny and proper accountability. Governing against the will of the people, Obama used every trick and bribe imaginable to pass Obamacare, which with the individual mandate is unconstitutional.

President Obama has declared that he finds the Constitution an imperfect document, because it limits what the government can do rather than what the government should and could do. Thank God for that, or else charlatans like Obama could wreck the country.
While hints of an imperial presidency have been swirling for some time, the attack on the SCOTUS has raised many an eyebrow, with with the Investors Business Daily editorial page hammering him and Judge Andrew Napolitano suggesting we are close to totalitarianism in a recent FOX News interview.

Quite frankly, I am astonished more people fail to recognize the overwhelming evidence that our President is not acting under the Constitution he swore to uphold. In fact, he is working to undermine it, and replace it molded to his hearts content. As he has stated, it is an imperfect document in his eyes, and through appointing Supreme Court Judges who share his disdain for it and by circumventing Congress and legislative oversight, we have on our hands a very dangerous and arrogant man who given another term could alter our history forever.
As is stands now, we are one Supreme Court Judges appointment away from being nothing short of Venezuela. By the way, contrary to media reports, they do not hold free elections there, so rather than a representative republic, we would have on our hands a dictatorship. Benjamin Franklin said the founders gave us a republic, if we can keep it. The moment is ciritical, and this is our responsibility; therefore, Obama simply MUST be defeated.
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