Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pursuit of Unhappiness

Those crazy intellectual elites over at the United Nations are engaged in mind exorcises once again. You may have thought involving themselves in the Trayvon Martin case was overreaching enough, but no, as they arrive at a set of conclusions of actions they indicate would make everyone happy. Glenn Beck noted the pure comedy, except unfortunately these idiots are playing for keeps and have allies in high places in Washington DC. Take a listen:

Just what we need; a bunch of technocrats from various countries inferior in, among other things economic standing and human rights, dictating to us how to achieve happiness. Seeking council from hedge fund manager and socialist George Soros, their recommendation centers around implementing the policies found in Europe of economic fairness and social justice, which has worked quite well as 60 Minutes documented on Sunday Night. Take a listen:

Those policies have created a crisis in Europe, as countries have lost their sovereignty and are being rules by technocrats who are unelected and have no accountability to those they yield power over. With that, the individual spirit, ingenuity and personal dignity is crushed and the degree of difficulty in regaining an economic foothold is greatly diminished. In a rather lengthy video, one you should most certainly view, our old friend Nigel Farage explains in answering a series of questions just how evil the whole idea of unaccountable groups like the UN governing your lives and dictating your choices. Engage Nigel now:

Under the financial crisis in the Eurozone, governments feel compelled to assume power in efforts to help solve the problem. Under such a crisis, weary and afraid citizens find it easy to turn to government officials for assistance. Rahm Emanuel, President Obama's former Chief of Staff, quipped once to "never let a crisis go to waste", and they do not.

I prefer the words of Ronald Reagan, who said "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.". So true. The reason is because every time the government gets involved in commerce (health care, Global warming) or regulation of action (curfews, taxation, regulation), portions of your freedom are relinquished, and they are usually never given back.

More troubling on the Eurozone is the emergence of non-elected technocrats who implement policies without being held accountable by the governed. Uncle Sam is heading, and being directed, down this road; a road to serfdom.

Reagan can be quoted all day, but he accurately describes the value of freedom in noting "Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest aspirations of the human spirit." We must avert any loss of freedom, particularly under the direction of those who indicate they know best and can be of eternal assistance to you if given the chance. Offer them no quarter, because as Reagan pointed out, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

Freedom in Europe has been losing ground for decades, and the working class know it. Opportunities for advancement to pursue dreams have been curtailed by those who govern. With unsustainable pensions now being stolen by officials, civil unrest is predictably taking place. The wealth of America is being transferred against our will through quantitative easing, and folks are getting restless, fearful of losing future opportunities at achieving the American dream. America was built on faith and the backs of a moral people who work hard pursuing their dreams. The pursuit of happiness.

Let us move immediately to protect these opportunities for our children and grandchildren, before the intellectual elites gain an unsurmountable position against a sleeping electorate, one who, if not careful, may lose the right to freely elect and fall into darkness.

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