Contrary to the opinion of the Obama administration, we have been and remain in a global war on terror, both militarily and economically. In times of a crisis, when attention is directed in appropriate fashion in a particular arena, our eye is temporarily taken off many other, and perhaps more important, issues
Today may be such a day, as gold was in free fall as the markets closed sharply lower on Wall and Broad.
While we keep our Bostonian friends, race competitors and their families in our prayers, we must watch the other hand. There IS something to see here.

The economy is not doing better, and whether it is the Obama administration of Goldman Sachs informing you it has, they profit from delivering false information to you, so eliminate the noise.
Another strong piece describing the precarious situation can be found over at Zero Hedge. As noted on this stellar website, gold volatility is signaling counter party risk again. Is another bubble bursting?
Financial analysts are all over the place, and due to excessive market manipulation, guidelines from past history are out the window.
On top of this, we had what appeared to be a natural landslide the other day at Rio Tinto’s Kennecott mine in Utah which erased a large portion of Silver mining production for what may be years to come. Silver joined gold in tanking today.
Could these events possibly be related? What does the immediate future hold?
I don't know what I am having for lunch on Tuesday, much less the direction of equity and precious metal trading in the capital markets, but I do know the market is being manipulated by the FED and that the economic fundamentals (yes, I know many companies are beating much lowered earnings expectations) are not good at all.
I will point the labor force participation rate to hang my hat on. Caveat Emptor!
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