Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Heat Is On

You have no doubt heard the story about the frog and the boiling water?

As it goes, if a frog is thrown into a pan of boiling water, the frog will instantly jump right out of the pan. However, should you place the frog in the pail of water and then slowly bring the water to a boil, the frog will not recognize the change in temperature until it is too late and the frog will be boiled alive.

The story is usually descriptive in a metaphoric sense highlighting the inability of people to recognize significant changes that occur gradually until the point of no return has been reached. What is going on in America today has that same feeling, as a major transformation is underway with the greater majority of the citizenry oblivious to the changes.

Among the many instances of transformation currently at play are positions against the church, embracing reductions in military abilities and status, entrepreneurship, the lessening of the value of citizenship and American exceptionalism and individualism; gun control efforts, socialized medicine and American sovereignty.

The monetizing of the debt, expansive entitlements, bailouts, exponential stimulus spending, the devaluation of our currency, the departure from investor protocol and contract law, notable during the auto bailouts, wealth redistribution and the absence of the rule of law are among the economic examples.

That is quite a list; however, the lack of adherence to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is by far the most troublesome example, as the arrogant progressive ruling class deems themselves grantor's of rights through government, in contrast to the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness from God as noted by our founding principles.

President Obama views the Constitution as a imperfect document with deep flaws of Colonialism; a document of negative liberties which limits what a government can do instead of outlining what a government must and should do.

These positions are in extreme contrast to the vision of our Founding Fathers as you might imagine.  But as the average citizen is working double to keep their family afloat amid the horrendous current economic conditions, and fails to adequately recognize the reduction in their freedom that is occurring.

The water is really getting warm!

Sometimes, we need an old friend to help us see the forest for the trees, a friend who is stern but friendly, a great communicator who is grounded in first principles and faith, a clear visionary who embraces freedom and cherishes the United States of America.

Enter Ronald Reagan:

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