Thursday, April 25, 2013

Us And Them

As the dust settles in the aftermath of the terrorist bombings in Boston last week, the investigation is in high gear. So is the propaganda.

Among the things that we can reasonably conclude it that the Chechen brothers Tsarnaev carried out the bombings at the Boston Marathon and killed an MIT Security Officer while on the run. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older brother, was killed while Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured last Friday night.

The brothers were radical Islamic terrorists, individuals the Russian government warned the US authorities about. That these jihadist killers were loose in America after multiple warnings is a substantial failure of those charged in counter terrorism. Of course, President Obama does not recognize the United States is engaged in a war on terror with radical Islamic jihadist terrorists, has embraced Muslim interests and has reduced the capabilities of our counter terrorism efforts. These failures are partially responsible for the bloodshed in Boston.

An unsolved triple homicide, which occurred in Boston on September 11, 2011, resulted in the death of the supposed best friend of Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Reports suggest a bloody scene, and that Tsarnaev did not attend the funeral of his friend. Not often confused as Jim Rockford, I got this cold case just about closed.

Obama is pushing significant legislation on gun control and immigration, both of which, in the rear view mirror of Boston, should be soundly defeated. While our citizenry is becoming increasingly concerned about losing the right to defend themselves against a tyrannical government, Bostonians without firearms left control of their livelihood and property in the hands of law enforcement. We are big fans of law enforcement, but they did loose these guys a couple of different times, and a private citizen alerted the police about the eventual whereabouts of  Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Meanwhile, the lack of proper enforcement of current immigration laws has allowed jihadists of all shapes and sizes to enter this country without documentation. Our citizens are paying with bloodshed. We must have the ability to protect our livelihood and property from the terrorist roaming our streets, and both legislative initiatives should be soundly defeated.

Furthermore, the brothers had no credible source of employment, yet were reported to have expensive foreign automobiles. Tamerlan Tsarnaev flew to Russia, where he spent six months before returning, all the while his family was on welfare. Yep, in the interest of fairness at the hand of wealth transformation, the 47% were alarmingly helping to fund these, and God knows how many other, terrorists.

Although the administration hopes we figure all those responsible have been apprehended, the case does not wrap up with the brothers Tsarnaev. There is little doubt the brothers were part of a larger sleeper cell with others involved, and then there is the case of the Saudi national.

Caution America!
Is the Saudi a third terrorist who the authorities initially identified and have now discarded as a suspect?
A third terrorist originally fingered by law enforcement who then disappears from the radar of those charged with the investigation? My memory banks immediately deposited in my mind the events surrounding the Oklahoma City bombing. Yes, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were no doubt the agents of terror on this day, but did they have help? The FBI originally thought so, the third terrorist. In her book "The Third Terrorist", Jayna Davis recounts the story and identifies who the third terrorist was. A compelling read to be sure.
There is quite a bit of information regarding the Saudi, who nobody in the mainstream media will mention, making the rounds many on non mainstream sites. Some are very credible, including The Blaze, Gateway Pundit and Brietbart, many are reporting what is out there and there are those who are reporting unreasonable and undocumented conspiracies.
CNN's John King was first to report that a "dark skinned male" individual had been arrested.  Fran Townsend of CNN also reported the arrest.  But did King, a veteran reporter who later back tracked history in embarrassment, really make such a significant error or was he purposefully hung out to dry by his sources?  Was he set up, or was King in fact originally correct?

The Saudi in question was initially identified as a suspect and placed under guard at his hospital room after supposedly having been injured at the bombings.  An "event" file was made on him, which The Blaze has record of, although Homeland Security Janet Napolitano condescendingly denied while being questioned by Congress.  A handful of Congressman, inclusive of Jeff Tucker, (R:SC), are asking questions.

Glenn Beck recaps where we are with respect to the Saudi national in the following report:

While the Obama administration and their mainstream media propaganda arm continues to distort the facts on the brothers Tsarnaev and lie to the American people regarding this prospective Saudi national terrorist, the truth seekers will continue uncover the facts.

There are seemingly dozens of question that need to be asked, about the Tsarnaev brothers, the connection to the radical Islamic jihadists and the potential for some extremely troubling answers regarding the Saudi national.  A handful of the inquiries are as follows:

* Who exactly is the Saudi national, described as Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi?

*How did this hospitalized individual go from suspect to student (who never intended the school he came to America to attend)?

*Describe the area of discussion of the scheduled and of record walk by meetings President Obama had with the Saudi Foreign Minister?

*As Alharbi is known to have an "event" file, why was there efforts to hastily deport him?

*Reports indicate Alharbi had previously been a guest of some frequency at the White House, and an unsubstantiated series of reports that had Michelle Obama visiting Alharbi in the hospital.  While our First Lady did in fact visit victims in Boton area hospitals, it cannot be confirmed she visited Alharbi, although there are several reports, some with photos of the visit.

If Michelle Obama did in fact visit Alharbi in the hospital, we really must demand to know just what the hell is going on here?

The situation is fluid, and without being directly involved in any area of the investigations, it it difficult to separate the facts from the noise.  Given we do know the history of the Obama administration to distort the truth (unemployment number an example), we really are not sure what is going on, but it all seems troubling to say the least.

We do know the events surrounding this bombing are centered around radical Islamic jihad, and given the position the Obama administration takes regarding Islamic terrorists and its coziness with The Muslim Brotherhood, we likely have not seen the last of terror on our streets.

Furthermore, the difficulty in determining us and them, who is who and who is on what side is increasing.  While is gets sorted out, the answer lies in standing firmly in our divinely inspired founding first principles.

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