Sunday, April 14, 2013

Health Care Mirage

Unfortunately, due to arrogant elected officials, who shoved down the throat of the American people a take over of one sixth of the American economy without one Republican vote, and the inability to accurately interpret the Constitution by Chief Justice John Roberts, we are likely stuck with The Affordable Health Care Act, or Obamacare.

The roll out of Obamacare is running into all sorts of issues, inclusive of much higher than anticipated costs, increased regulation and difficulties in implementation.  The architects of the Health Care Act, written before Obama got elected by The Tides Foundation, know exactly what the future holds with respect to the plan.  The majority of the politicians, who never read the bill, are useful idiots playing the political game.

And of course, there is the extreme propaganda of false, incorrect and deceitful information the American people were handed by the politicians who supported the effort. 

*Premiums will fall
*No Death Panels (Sarah Palin was correct as usual)
*You can keep your Doctor

Perhaps the most deliberate omission in the description presented the American people was that, although the ACA itself is not a single payer plan, it was a necessary stepping stone, or trojan horse, because the architects deemed jumping to a single payer plan would be met with anticipated public disapproval.  The people must be nudged that direction over time, with the elimination of choice, and freedom, along the way.  Make no mistake, a single payer plan is the ultimate objective, although the mainstream media did their best to conceal it.

However, many have publicly stated the intentions, including former Senator Barney Frank (D:MA)and former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D:CA).  Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D:CA), not only admitted to the ACA being a precursor to a single payer plan, but gleefully spoke of her intention to destroy a private sector industry.  Imagine the arrogance.

Over at Verum Serum, Robert J. Samuelson has a great piece on the public plan mirage, although it fails to examine the extension beyond health care.  For example, as an investor in capital markets and real property, I found particularly interesting the portion of the health care bill that hits capital gains and real estate with an investment income tax of 3.8%. 

How does capital gains on investments or real estate relate to health care?  Well, obviously, it is not about health care.

As Ronald Reagan warned us back in 1961, a government method to impose socialism or statism on the people is through socialized medicine as a vehicle for increased taxation, regulation, surveillance and control. 

Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius really insulted the intelligence of the American people this week when she opined that the implementation of the law was much more difficult than previously thought.

Probably no one fully anticipated when you have a law that phases in over time, how much confusion that creates for a lot of people. So that has been difficult,” Sebelius said. “When the law was signed and people immediately did not get affordable health insurance, they were surprised and a lot were disappointed but now understand that this was a gradual phase-in.”

Really? Who is she trying to kid? 

The planners recognize that most Americans do not follow closely enough to decipher the lies being told them on a consistent basis, not to mention changes to the language, and therefore are not privy to the inside baseball of the plan.  Since when are revenues tax increases?

Those of us who understand free markets and the importance of individual choice knew full well what a monstrosity of misery the law would be. We also understood the false premise the whole movement was based upon.  Charts like the one presented below would have been pure comedy if it were not sadly real and poised to wreak havoc on our liberties.

Unfortunately, the more the planners plan the more the plans fail. Governments don't tax to get the money they need but find needs for the money they get.  Every area of freedom will be invaded by the tentacles of bills of this nature, and with each victory the progressive elite planners achieve, the more freedom we the people lose.

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