Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ignorance of Masses Strength of Ruling Class Elites

The power to tax is the power to destroy, and few have more power these days than the Environmental Protection Agency.

With total backing from the Obama administration, the agency is flexing their powerful muscle, in many ways implementing and enforcing executive order in the absence of backing from the normal protocol of legislative action.

The elephant in the room is Global Climate change, perhaps the greatest hoax in centuries and nothing short of a vehicle to increase revenues (taxes in the 2 + 2 = 5 Orwellian times we are living in) and control over the people.

In a recent example of complete absurdity, Maryland Democratic Governor Martin O’Malley, demonstrated the lengths the progressive elites will go to confiscate money from the citizenry.  In  the aftermath of the Maryland general assembly passing a "storm water pollution fee" to raise money to cleanup the Chesapeake Bay, O'Malley has initiated a rain tax.  A rain tax?

As Brietbart reports,  the tax, mandated by the EPA and enforced locally, will be calculated "through satellite surveillance of your property."  Former 2012 GOP U.S. Senate candidate Dan Bongino bashes the tax in a Wednesday afternoon press release. The law "requires individuals, businesses, and even charitable organizations and houses of worship to pay a tax based on the amount of rain that falls on their property and the 'impervious surfaces' on their land," he says.

To find this encroachment of liberty merely troublesome would be representative of the complacency of the American people.  However, the alarm bells going off on this action would wake up my long lost descendant, Lord Baltimore!

The tax is anticipated to be enforced locally by the EPA with the tax calculated through satellite surveillance of your property, by measuring the impervious surfaces on a site or lot and assessing a tax on the total.

Federal authorities, local municipalities and private companies currently utilize aerial imagery to identify improvement and parcel size, although many contend this is a violation of a central tenant of founding of our republic; property rights and the right to privacy on your property.

The fine citizens of Maryland get the government they deserve, and due to excessive taxation enacted by the government they elected, the state has suffered a measurable population loss.  But those in Terrapin country are not the only citizens under attack from the oppressive tax collectors and environmental terrorists.

Privacy in the heartland is being violated by the EPA as officials are spying of farmers in Iowa and my home state of Nebraska.  Recently, as reported by Investors Business Daily, Nebraska's congressional delegation sent a justifiably angry letter to Administrator Lisa Jackson last week complaining that her Environmental Protection Agency had exceeded its legislative and constitutional authority by conducting drone surveillance flights over Nebraska and Iowa farms looking for violations of the Clean Water Act.

 "As you might imagine, this practice has resulted in privacy concerns among our constituents and raises several questions."

Sen. Rand Paul,  R:KY, warned recently about the slippery slope of various forms of surveillance at the hands of an oppressive government acting outside of legislation, which can ultimately lead us to the dystopia of George Orwell's 1984.

But there is no cause from concern, says the federal government, as in a response to the letter from Cornhusker country, the EPA justified the use of drones as customary and cost beneficial.  As evidence the government cannot be trusted comes reports that, as reported in Investors Business Daily, The Environmental Protection Agency has acknowledged that it released personal information on potentially thousands of farmers and ranchers to environmental groups, violating their privacy rights and acting in collusion with private groups with private political agendas.

"This information details my family's home address," J.D. Alexander, a Nebraska cattle farmer and former president of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, told FarmFutures.com. "The only thing it doesn't do is chauffeur these extremists to my house."

If you think the leftists will not swarm individuals homesteads, you may wish to recall the events of the Bank America executive in, of all places, Maryland.

For those who revel in conspiracy, are the increased regulations of the farmers an effort to burst what the FED perceives as a potential bubble; farmland, providing the opportunity for the government to gain more control through offering assistance of bailouts?

Any encroachment on the rights of the citizenry by dishonest brokers operating a government which cannot be trusted, in part due to operating outside of reasonable checks and balances leaves the citizens struggling for friction. These actions reducing individual liberty must be defeated.

The more the government spends, additional plans and programs are enacted to increase taxation to fund them.  As Ronald Reagan pointed out, the more the plans fail, the more the planners plan. In the predictable process, liberty and freedom of the citizenry is gradually erased.

Ultimately, without the freedom and liberties granted our republic, we could well become citizen proles of Oceania, ruled by an elite ruling party in a large city in urban decay where 2 + 2 = 5.

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