Monday, April 8, 2013

Iron Leadership Lost

The Iron Lady, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, passed away this morning at age 87.

Lady Thatcher, joining Pope John Paul II and Ronald Reagan, shined the light on freedom and were instrumental leaders in defeating the Soviet Union, without firing a shot I might add.  She had said she entered politics because of the conflict between good and evil, hoping she could help good triumph.  Only in rare instance has a collection of leadership been so effective defeating evil and in the promotion of freedom for the people and free market economic liberty.

Thatcher believed that free marker capitalism, rather than the socialism Europe embraced as she took office, provided the best path to prosperity. She took on all those who challenged her, stating the case from her heart with stern eloquence.

"And I will go on criticising Socialism, and opposing Socialism because it is bad for Britain — and Britain and Socialism are not the same thing. (...) It’s the Labour Government that have brought us record peace-time taxation. They’ve got the usual Socialist disease — they’ve run out of other people’s money".

Sadly, those in government these days seem to have forgotten this lesson, if they ever understood it at all.

A statement from The Reagan Ranch may have said it best, Lady Thatcher made profound contributions to liberty and freedom in Britain and throughout the world.

In an era where the left has abandoned any reasonable level of civil discourse, I am reminded of a telling quote from Lady Thatcher: "I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left."


God Bless You Lady Thatcher!

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