Sunday, March 22, 2009

Anti-FSU Idiots Get Rolled By Truth

Mike Bianchi of The Orlando Sentinel recently wrote an article about the impact of the academic fraud case at Florida State University and head Coach Bobby Bowden. The article was somewhat supportive of Bowden, and not surprisingly, riled up several misinformed Gators across the state.

Charles Hinson, apparently a Sentinel reader from Jacksonville, felt compelled to respond with a letter to the editor claiming Bowden wears a teflon jacket, is a hypocrite, an embarrassment and left stink on the fields and athletic halls of FSU.

Shelby Morrison of Orlando wrote "Is college football about football or learning? Maybe I'm the one who has confused priorities, but part of the responsibility for the "dumbing up of America" has to rest on the shoulders of Bowden." Morrison also claimed Bowdens "complicity is apparent" in the academic fraud case at FSU.

I have heard of stretching the truth, but these two idiots need a shot of reality, and I am going to give it to them.

Florida State University has the highest graduation rate of its student ahtletes participating in college football in the state. If Bowden is complicit in the academic progress of his football team, then kudos to him for producing the state of Florida's only Rhodes Scholar in it's long history of college football. Grab yourself an introduction to Mr. Myron Rolle:

I look forward to meeting Mr. Rolle at an event I will be attending in mid April. Go Noles!

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