Monday, March 9, 2009

Amateur Hour at The White House

After the election of Barack Obama, I pledged myself to make every effort to support him whenever I could and treat him with respect, unlike the despicable behavior bestowed on President Bush by far too many Americans. Obama is making it very difficult, as every day I wake up he is doing something I disagree with and displaying a distasteful level of arrogance in many areas.

Policy disputes are one thing, but disrespecting our country's friends and allies really crosses the line. Mr. and Mrs. Obama apparently made a really negative impression during a recent visit by Britain Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah.

British media have been hammering Obama, including The Telegraph and The Evening Standard, and from what I read, rightly so. Although Obama may not appreciate our relationship with Great Britain, most Americans do. The British have always been our strongest ally, from Lady Thatcher helping Ronald Reagan in winning the Cold War and fighting next to us, as they always have, in the Global War on Terror. Remember that one?

Anyhow, FOX News anchor Glenn Beck discusses this with Nile Gardiner from the Margaret Thatcher Center For Freedom at The Heritage Foundation. Quite appalling!

Arrogance or Ignorance? I'll stick with arrogance for now.

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